Truthfully Yours

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Chapter 1

“You’re gonna die alone!”

Those were the last words that came out of my mouth. My father and I weren’t very close. We were total opposites actually. He had black hair while I had blonde. He hated pets while I absolutely adored them. I love my mother while he never did. It was safe to say that my father was a liar. His marriage was a lie, his love was a lie, and he was a lie. But all of this was nothing compared to the moment I saw my father lying helpless in the middle of the street after a hit and run. I witnessed it with my very own eyes and that was the moment where all the things that I despised about my father vanished. Seeing him so lifeless, laying there after the driver drove off, shattered me.

I ran to my father and crouched down next to him whilst tears continued to race down my cheeks. “D-d-daddy!” I was in shock. There was so much blood.

“Sweetie, Mariella.” He whispered.

“Y-y-yes daddy, I’m h-here.” I stuttered.

“Can you do me a f-favour, hon?” His voice becoming hoarse.

“Of course, daddy, anything!”

“Tell your mother I’m sorry and that there is a box underneath our b-bed. She has to find it. Okay babygirl?”

“Stop! Don’t talk to me like you’re about to die. You’ll be j-just fine, do you h-hear me!?” My face began to burn from the tears and my throat felt like I had swallowed a rock. But all that didn’t matter to me.

“Sweetheart, I might not have loved your mother but you should know t-that I’ll never s-stop loving you.” I barely heard the last bit. He was slipping through my fingers and I sat there, sobbing.

“I will always love you daddy. No matter what.” I stopped crying and held my father’s hand. I was there the moment he stopped breathing. That moment changed my life.

“Mariella! You’re going to be late for school if you don’t get a move on!”

“I’m coming!”

My mother and I had just arrived in California and today was my first day at Turner Heights. It has been two months since my father’s casket was lowered into the ground. Two months, one week, and 3 days. But who’s counting.

I skipped down the steps and ran into the kitchen where I found my mother in her jacket holding a coffee in one hand and her car keys in the other, tapping her foot impatiently.

“Are you ready?” She asked.

“Yep.” I replied. My mother and I haven’t exchanged many words since my father’s funeral. Even though we live under the same roof, we don’t talk unless it is absolutely necessary.

I walked out onto the porch and took in my first deep breath in a long time. The air was cool enough to calm my nerves. I was a new girl going into the eleventh grade in the middle of the first semester. Of course I would be nervous. What if the kids thought I was awkward? What if I made enemies on the first day? I’m not ready for a new life. Not this soon.

“Are you coming?” she asked from the car. I hadn’t realized she had passed by me.

“Yeah, sorry.”

I climbed into the passenger seat and buckled myself in. As we pulled out of the driveway I began to recall all the times my mother and I would go on car rides just for fun. She would let me sit in her lap and hold the steering wheel while she steered for me. That has got to be one of things I missed about her most. I missed her hugs and her warm smiles. The moment she would glance upon me, whether we were in an argument or not, she would always smile one of those smiles that reached her eyes. Not the ones she gives me now. The smiles she used to offer don’t exist anymore.

“We’re here.” I glanced at my mother and waited for something along the lines of ‘have a good day at school!’ But as usual, nothing.

I turned my face towards the school and was hit with a huge building. It was a prestigious rich school with large glass windows and stairs that lead to a double door entrance. There were students roaming around on the stairs and on the grass on either side of the walkway in the middle. Wow.

Author's Note

Hiya! My name is Amena and I'm not new to wattpad but I am new as an author. :) This is my very first story and I have no clue where it's going to end up. But hopefully I'll have a family on wattpad that will support me no matter what! I love constructive criticism. So anything that seems wrong in my writing, let me know. ALSO, I really would like to have some help in promoting this story and me as an author.

AND, I really need a cover for this story so if you all have any ideas, send them over!  I can't wait to see where this story is going to take us!

Love you all!

Amena x

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