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Chapter 2


I continued to stare at the huge building in front of me. It was unbelievable.

“Mariella?” my mother calls.


She continued to look at me through lifeless eyes. I then realized I was actually supposed to get out of the car in order to attend school. I unbuckle myself and grab my backpack from the backseat. As I open the door, I swing my backpack over one shoulder and close the door behind me. My mother instantly begins to drive away.

I don’t bother to wave goodbye because I already know what the response would be. Nothing.

Might as well go inside.

I begin to put one foot in front of the other advancing towards the stairs. I’ve read many stories about the new girl entering a new school in the middle of the semester. The ones where all those girls end up being with the hottest guy in school. My story definitely doesn’t follow that path. I wish it did.

As I enter the school, I attempt to follow the signs to the main office. But thanks to my great sense of direction, I get to the washrooms instead.


I turn around and bump into a hard chest. Stunned, I fall back and let out a shriek in the process.

“Oh shit, are you alright?”

I groan and open one eye first. My vision is blurry and I’m forced to open my other eye. I begin to blink furiously and look up at the person. I peer at the person and realize it’s a boy who is at least 6 feet tall. I then take notice of his outstretched hand and glance between his hand and his face.

His angelic face. With striking green eyes and a tan complexion. Prominent cheek bones and a sharp jaw line. This boy is beautiful beyond imagination.

I look at his full lips and apprehend that they are moving.

Is he talking to me?

My ears decide to work and I only catch the last of what he said.



“You weren’t even listening to me were you? And how long do you plan on sitting on the ground for?” He says while a smirk plays across is pink lips.

I blush furiously and stand up, ignoring his extended hand.

“S-sorry. Uhm. Thanks.”

“For what? You didn’t even take my hand.” He says while looking into my eyes. I see a flash of an emotion resembling hurt. But the moment I see it, the moment it vanishes.

“Oh. Y-yeah. Sorry.” I say while looking at my feet.

“No worries. Are you new here?” He asks.

“Yeah. I am.” I say, playing with the hem of my shirt.

“Cool. Do you need a tour guide?”

Gorgeous and nice?

I bite my lip and refuse to look at him.

“Sure. Why not.”

I suddenly feel a warm finger under my chin slightly tilt my face upwards. I still don’t meet his eyes while still biting my lip but I feel his gaze piercing me.

“Look at me.” He says softly but sternly.

Slowly, I gaze into the endless pools of green.

His eyes are slowly chipping at the wall I’ve been spending a large amount of my life building. The very wall that separates the person I am now from the person I was before the accident.

We stand there for what seems like hours until I break the trance I’m in and take a small step back, clearing my throat. He doesn’t bother to clear the emotion in his eyes. Confusion.

“So, shall we get started?” I ask quietly. After a moment of silence, he responds.

“Yeah. Let’s start with the office. You can pick up your schedule there.” He says, still searching my eyes.

I don’t know where the sudden confidence boost came from but I stood on my toes, bringing my lips close to his ear.

“Do I have something on my face?” I whisper while settling back on my feet.

I feel his chuckles reverberate through his chest. His laugh is harmonious.

“Yeah.” He leans forward and plants a kiss on my cheek. My eyes widen to the size of saucers as I try to comprehend his action.

“My kiss.” He states.

My index finger touches the place his pink lips once were reminiscing the moment. My cheeks are beyond the red hue.

“Ugh. My cheeks.” I say as I slap my hands onto my face, covering my embarrassment.

I feel a tug at my hands but I refuse to remove them.

This is so embarrassing.

The tug is repeated and I’m forced to take my hands away from my bright red cheeks.

“I think you look beautiful.” He says. I search his eyes for some sort of give-away. Some sort of hint that will tell me he’s lying. But all I find is sincerity.

“Oh. Uhm. Thank you. You look beautiful too.” I say shyly and foolishly. Once I realize I called him beautiful my eyes bulge.

“Oh! No. I-I mean. Uhm. That—” I’m cut off with the most melodic sound that has ever to reach my ears. He begins to laugh until tears spring into his eyes. I shy away and begin to giggle quietly. His laugh is beyond contagious.

“You’re a funny one. Come on. Let’s go before we’re late.” He states with a smile. He stretches his hand towards me.

I giggle.

“Alright.” As I place my fragile hand into his larger and firmer hand.

Oh man.


I honestly was debating about where or not i should continue with this story. But i've decided to continue it.

Comment. Vote. Fan. 

Cheers! x


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