"KEB!!!!" Patches jumps up from the table and grabs him into a tight hug.

"Thank God." Tim whispers as he turns back to the stove.

"Do you need any help, Tim?" Tori asks as she walks over to the stove.

"You could get the boys something to drink if you'd like. I got this." Tim says.

"Are you alright?" She asks as she noticed a bit of nervousness from Tim.

"Yeah." Tim answers, nodding quickly. He glances around to see her fully dressed looking like a million bucks. "Going somewhere?"

"Uh huh, to work." Tori says as she steals a slice of bacon then goes to get the boys their drinks.

"Is Kirst up?" Tim asks as he finishes up the hashbrowns.

"Yes, Kirstie is up." Kirstie says as she walks into the kitchen with a pouting Emily.

"Just in time." Tim says before noticing the pouting little girl. "What's wrong, Princess?"

"My arms hut, Uncle Tim." Emily pouts.

"She got just a tad bit too much sun yesterday." Kirstie says as she puts her daughter into her highchair.

"It surprises me that Adam didn't get blistered too." Tim says as they all sat down to eat.

"I did get bister a wittle bit on my shouldas." Adam nods as he takes a bite of bacon. "But it don't hut dat bad."

"Kit, Ti hut." Patches says as he rubs his head.

"What??" Both Tim and Kirstie asks.

"Oh." Tim chuckles as he realizes what Patches was talking about. "I had to untangle the tie-back from his hair earlier. Might I suggest that before Patch goes to sleep that he lets his hair down? SOMEONE doesn't know how to leave it alone." Tim says as he raises his brow at the bearded man-child causing him to giggle.

After breakfast, Adam and Patches carry Satchmo and Mack out to the backyard to 'do their business'. Emily finds cartoons on the t.v. to watch. Tori says her goodbyes and leaves for work.

Kevin, Kirstie and Tim sit down at the table for a relaxing cup of coffee.

"Well?" Kirstie asks with a slight smirk on her face.

Tim looks up to see her looking at him. Oh, sh*t. Here it comes.

"Uh, well what." Tim replies.

"What went on between you and Chance last night? We sort of accidentally saw you two kiss." Kirstie smiles.

"Accidentally?" Kevin laughs. "Pressing your noses against the window is not what I would call accidentally."

"Oh, hush." Kirstie giggles.

Tim sighs as he stirs his coffee. He knew that if he needed to talk to anyone that these two would be the ones he needed.

"I truly don't know what to do, guys." Tim says, shaking his head.

"Do you still have feelings for him?" Kevin asks in a soft voice.

"Chance being here, I think has uncovered feelings that I thought I had buried." Tim says as he looks up at his friends.

"So what's the problem? It's very obvious that he still cares very deeply for you." Kirstie says.

"The problem is, I'm still married. I haven't even been to court yet. Kirstin, I don't want to use Chance to get over Jenika. I don't want to hurt him again." Tim says, shaking his head.

"You guys just need to take one step at a time, Tim. Don't rush things." Kevin says. "Give yourself time to get over Jenika but don't push Chance away if your feelings for him are that strong." 

"Maybe you and Chance need to sit down and talk it out. Explain to him how you're feeling." Kirstie says. "Like Kevin said, take it slow but don't push the idea of you and him being together out of your mind. You'll only make yourself miserable."

"Last night when he kissed me, it felt like old times. I got the same feelings." Tim smiles slightly as he looks back down at his coffee.

"How does Adam feel about Chance?" Kevin asks.

"Oh, they've become best buddies just within a few hours." Tim chuckles.

"That's good." Kevin nods.

"Uh, Patch and I were talking after we went to bed last night. We sorta come up with a suggestion. But it's totally up to you." Kirstie says.

"What is it?" Tim asks.

"Well, Chance is staying in a hotel which is probably costing him a fortune. We have an extra bedroom that he can stay in. Cause, Tim, if he runs low on money he may be forced to move to Mobile with his family. I don't think that's what either of you wants. Am I right?" Kirstie asks as she lays her hand on top of Tim's. "Don't let him go, Tim."


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