Chapter 8

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Jenika wakes up to her alarm clock at seven o'clock. She quickly reaches over to cut it off so it would not wake the sleeping blond beside her.

She rubs her tired eyes and looks at Adam sleeping soundly beside her. He was so upset that Tim was in jail that he wanted to sleep with her. He claimed that he didn't want her to feel alone.

But she did feel alone. She missed the feeling of her husband's arms wrapped around her. His morning kisses.

She was worried about Tim. She had heard that the jail was not the cleanest of places. She had also heard that a few of the officers abused the prisoners. So she wanted to get Tim out as soon as she could.

After taking a shower and getting dressed, she heads downstairs for a cup of coffee. A very tired looking Dena sat at the table staring mindlessly out the window. 

"Morning." Jenika says softly as she goes to the coffee pot.

"Morning. What time does the bondman's office open?" Dena asks.

"Eight o'clock. I plan on being there as soon as they unlock the door." Jenika says.

"I'll have a big breakfast fixed when y'all get back. I know he'll be hungry." Dena says with a sad smile.

"I'm hoping to get back before Adam wakes up." Jenika says as she puts her cup into the sink. "Wish me luck."

"Good luck and hurry back." Dena says.


Kirstie is awaken by her bed shaking violently as if an earthquake was happening. She sits up quickly only to see Patches on his knees jumping on the bed, dancing with Dag.

"Sweetie." She groans as she lays back down.

"Mmmm Uh?" Patches asks. (you up?)

"I'm up now." She moans as she rubs her forehead.

He giggles as he ponces on her, laying his head on her chest.

"You know you're not the size of a little boy, right?" She chuckles as she tries to catch her breath from the impact.

"K .. Kit, Mmm hun." Patches says looking up at her, sticking his bottom lip out into a pout. (hungry)

"I don't guess you plan on letting me go back to sleep?" Kirstie asks.

Patches giggles, shaking his head.

"Well, if you want breakfast, you'll have to get off me." Kirstie says as she raises her eyebrows at the man-child.

Patches starts to raise up but stops as he sniffs the air.

"Mmm ba." He smiles. (bacon)

"Smells like someone is already fixing breakfast." Kirstie smiles as they both jump out of bed. The smell of breakfast, making her realize just how hungry she actually was.

Patches runs into the kitchen, grabbing Dena into a hug from behind.

"Oh." She giggles with surprise. "Good morning, Sweetheart. Someone must be hungry."

"Do you need any help?" Kirstie asks as she fixes herself a cup of coffee and gets Patches a glass of orange juice.

"No thank-you, Sweetie. I've got it." Dena smiles.

"No one up yet?" Kirstie asks, forgetting about the incident last night.

"Jenika went to get Tim." Dena says with a sigh.

"Oh, I forgot. I was hoping it was a bad dream." Kirstie says as she sits down.

"Ganmaw? Whea Jen?" Adam asks as he walks into the kitchen.

"Honey, she's gone after Tim." Dena says as she brushes his hair back from his face.

"Will .. will Tim be alwight?" Adam asks sadly as he sits down next to Patches.

"Of course." Dena says with a smile.

"I taught I smelled bacon." Emmy giggles as she runs into the kitchen, still wearing her little nightgown. (thought)

"Why is everyone so obsessed with bacon?" Kirstie giggles as she helps her daughter into the booster chair.

"Mmmm ba goo." Patches nods. (bacon good)


"Foust." The jailer calls out as he walks up to the cell door.

Tim jumps and lifts his head from his cement wall pillow. It had been a long night and he had just managed to dose off.

"Yeah?" Tim answers.

"You're free to go." The jailer says with a smile.

Tim gives an exhausted nod and slowly stands up from the lumpy cot. Every muscle in his body hurt. His neck was stiff, his back ached and his leg was killing him. Not to mention, feeling nauseous from the smell of vomit.

The jailer leads him to the front desk. His heart jumps for joy when he sees his beautiful wife.

"Hey, Baby." Jenika smiles as she runs to him, hugging him tightly.

"God, it's good to see you." Tim says, wrapping his arms around her.

A foul smell reaches her nose causing her stomach to turn.

"Have .. have you been sick?" She asks pulling out of the hug.

"No. But the guy in the next cell was." Tim answers. "And trust me, I can smell myself."

"Let's go home." Jenika smiles as she leans in to kiss him but her smile fades as he turns his head slightly to keep her from doing so.

"My breath would make a skunk smell like a rose." Tim chuckles, shaking his head.

"I don't care." Jenika replies as she turns his face to her and she kisses him. 

A short time later, they were pulling up into Dena's driveway.

The front door opens, Adam runs out to meet them with Patches skipping behind him.

"TIM!!" Adam yells as he runs to Tim's open arms.

"Hey, Pumpkin." Tim smiles as he hugs the blond.

"TI!!!" Patches yells as he joins the hug.

"I'd say they missed him a little bit." Kirstie says as she and Dena watches from the doorway.

"He looks so tired." Dena says as she observes her son.

"Whad dat smell?" Adam asks as he pulls away from Tim.

"That would be me." Tim chuckles. "I just need to take a shower and get out of these clothes."

"Peez." Patches nods.

"You trying to say I stink, Peanuts?" Tim chuckles as he ruffles Patches's hair.

Patches answers with a quick nod.

"Hey, Baby." Dena smiles as she pulls her son into a hug. "I was so worried about you."

"I know. I'm sorry." Tim says.

"I have breakfast almost done. If you're hungry." Dena smiles.

"I'm starved but let me go take a shower first." Tim says with a smile.

Everyone laughs as they nod in agreement.


** Sorry for such a short chapter. This was kinda just thrown together for a quick update. Also, no editing has been done. Ignore the mistakes.

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