Chapter 9

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"So. Are you going to tell me why you were speeding?" Dena asks as they begin to eat their breakfast.

"I actually didn't have any idea what the speed limit was. I definitely thought it was faster than fifty-five." Tim says as he shoved some bacon into his mouth. He was starved and exhausted and really didn't want to answer a million questions from his over-protective mother. "We was sort of arguing and I just wasn't looking for a speed limit sign."

"Wait. What? First, you let my son drink and drive and then you were distracting him from driving by fighting with him?" Dena asks.

Tim glances up from his plate to see the angry glare that his mom was giving his wife.

"Well, I .. I." Jenika stutters nervously.

"Uh, should we weave da table?" Adam asks.

"No, Pumpkin, you're fine." Tim answers, laying down his fork and patting Adam's hand. He then turns his attention back to his mom. "First of all, Mom, I was not drunk. I was fully aware of my driving except for the speed. Jenika and I will have disagreements at times. We don't have many but we do have them. Our disagreement had absolutely nothing to do with how fast I was going. That was all my fault, not hers."

"What were you arguing about?" Dena asks with raised brows.

"With all due respect, Mom, that's between Jenika and I. But it's fine now." Tim answers, sharply.

"Aw .. Aw we till going to da twuck pull?" Adam asks, innocently. (are we still going to the truck pull)

"No, Honey, Tim is too tired." Dena answers quickly.

Kirstie's jaw drops as she looks around to see tears fill Patches and Adam's eyes.

"Yes, we are still going." Tim answers with a smile. "Just let me get a nap and then we'll go watch the big trucks."

"YAY!!" Both boys cheer as they wipe their eyes.

After breakfast, Kirstie and Jenika take Patches, Adam and Emily outside to play. They figured Tim and his mom might want to talk.

Tim walks up behind his mother at the sink. She was quietly doing the dishes. He slides his arms around her waist and lays his chin on her shoulder.

"Mom, when are you going to realize that I'm not a little boy any more?" Tim says with a smirk.

"You'll always be my little boy, Timothy, and don't you forget it." Dena says as she continues the dishes.

"Yes, Mam." Tim chuckles. "But I'm old enough to take care of myself."

"So, you don't need me anymore?" Dena asks, turning around to face her son.

"I'll always need my momma." Tim smiles. "But I also need my wife. I love her very much."

"I know you do, Sweetheart." Dena sighs. "I guess, sometimes, I feel like Jenika took my little boy from me."

"Like I said, I'll always be your little boy but I'm also her husband." Tim replies with a raised brow.

"I guess I was a little hard on her." Dena shrugs.

"You guess?" Tim asks with a smirk.

"I'll apologize. Now. You need to go get some rest if you guys are going to take those kids to the truck pull." Dena smiles and kisses her son's cheek.

"Love you, Mom." Tim says as he kisses her cheek.

"I love you too, Sweetie." Dena smiles. "Now, go."

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