Chapter 28

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Tim had tossed and turned all night. The events from the night before were embedded in his brain. Chance kissing him. The softness of his ex-lover's lips against his. The butterflies in his stomach. The chills that went up and down his spine. The same feelings he used to experience when Chance kissed him.

That one kiss opened feelings that Tim thought he had buried. Why did he allow Chance to kiss him? Why did he welcome the kiss? It was way too soon. Technically, he was still married to Jenika. He definitely didn't want to use Chance to get over her. He's hurt him so much already.

He glances around at the clock. The others would be getting up soon. Slowly, he gets out of bed and reaches for his prosthetic. After slipping it on, he heads for the shower. 

Dressed in shorts and a tee shirt, he goes down to the kitchen and starts breakfast.


"Mo, Ti." Patches giggles as he skips into the kitchen and hugs Tim from behind. (morning Tim)

"Good morning, Sweet Pea. Are you hungry?" Tim asks, glancing over his shoulder at the man-child. His long hair tangled in the tie-back that Patch had been wearing. "Bad hair day?" Tim chuckles.

"Mmm hut." Patches says as he pulls at the tie-back. (hurt)

"Well, stop pulling at it before you make it worse." Tim says as he moves the bacon from the burner.

"BAY!!" Patches giggles as he points at the bacon.

"We'll eat when the others get up. Come over here and sit down so I can see if I can get this out of your hair." Tim says as he pulls a chair out.

"Ad uh. Mmm ba" Patches nods as he sits down in the chair. (Adam is up. Bath)

"Geez, how do you manage to do this every single time." Tim says as he works on the tangled band.

Patches giggles and shrugs his shoulders.

"Mowning, Tim." Adam says as he comes into the kitchen.

"Morning, Pumpkin." Tim says as he glances up at the blonde.

"Pwoblems?" Adam smiles as he sits down at the table.

"Always." Tim answers with a chuckle. After several minutes of trying, Tim finally was able to get the tie-back untangled. "There. Got it."

"YAY!!" Patches claps.

"Shhhh. You'll wake the others." Tim says.

"Ith Chance hea?" Adam asks.

"No, Honey, he went back to his hotel last night." Tim answers as he turns to the sink to wash his hands before continuing with breakfast.

"Mmm Cha?" Patches asks. (who's Chance)

"Him Tim's boyfwiend." Adam answers.

"OHHHH!!" Patches says loudly, putting his hand over his mouth.

"No, Chance is not my boyfriend." Tim states as he cracks open the eggs into a bowl.

"You kithed him." Adam says.

"OHHHH!!" Patches giggles.

"What?" Tim quickly turns around. Oh, crap! They saw it????

"I thaw you and Chance kithing last night." Adam nods. "Do you wub him?"

"Uhhhhh." Tim tries to speak but couldn't form words. 

"Good morning, Y'all." Kevin smiles as he and Tori walk into the kitchen.

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