Chapter 23

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Kevin and Tori come in from their walk on the beach with Patches. Patches was giggling as he sits down next to Kirstie.

"What's so funny?" She asks with a smile.

"Mmm pee bur, Kit." He smiles and claps.

"You fed the birds?" Kirstie asks as she looks up at Kevin to see if she understood him correctly.

"Yeah, we carried some bread with us and the seagulls flocked him. They scared him at first but then he thought it was hilarious." Kevin chuckles as he slips off his shoes.

"Hi, Kebin." Adam smiles as he walks into the room.

"Hey there, Kiddo." Kevin smiles and then gives Kit a questionable look.

"I guess Henry figured his work here was done." Kirstie smiles.

"So where is Tim? Back in his room?" Tori asks.

"No, he's in the den. He called his mom. He's been in there a while." Kirstie says as she looks around at the closed door. "Dena is probably hitting the roof."

"I can imagine." Kevin nods.

The door leading to the den opens and Tim steps out with his phone in his hand.

"Hey, Pumpkin? Chris wants to talk to you." He says handing Adam the phone.

"Cwis?" Adam smiles as he takes the phone.

"Go into the den so you can talk." Tim says.

"Mmm ta Kis." Patches nods and goes to the den with Adam. (I wanna talk to Chris)

"Did you call Chris or did he call you?" Kirstie asks.

"Neither. He's actually at mom's house. He had a load going to Port Arthur and stopped in to see her. So, I got to tell them both at the same time. That was fun." Tim chuckles as he rolls his eyes.

"How did your mom take the news?" Kevin asks as he and Tori sit down on the couch.

"Well, let's just say that Jenika better pray that mom doesn't meet her on the street." Tim smiles. "But Chris did bring up something that I hadn't thought about."

"And what was that?" Kirstie asks.

"Jenika and I are Adam's guardians. She could actually ask for joint custody of him." Tim says.

"You really don't think she would do that, do you? It's apparent that she really doesn't care much for him." Kirstie says.

"I think she would. Just to get back at Tim. She knows taking Adam would hurt Tim the worst." Kevin comments.

"Chris thinks she would too. So he's going back to court to have her taken off the guardianship. He's the only one that can do that." Tim says.

They all turn their attention to the den as they hear Adam and Patches laughing hysterically from inside.

"What the heck?" Kirstie giggles as they get up and head to the den.

"No telling with those two." Tim chuckles as he quietly opens the door so they could peek in.

Both boys were laying on the floor in uncontrollable laughter. Adam had Tim's phone on speaker and had it laying on the coffee table.

"I'm being serious." Chris laughs.

"Cwis, you thilly." Adam laughs.

"Kis kay." Patches laughs and covers his mouth. (Chris is crazy)

"Chris needs to move closer. He could babysit sometimes." Kirstie whispers.

Tim nods as he quietly closes the door.

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