Chapter 6

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"Hi there." Chance smiles.

"Chance? This is quite a surprise." Tim says with a shocked look on his face.

Kirstie could barely hear a huff come from Jenika but did catch the roll of her eyes.

"You telling me? How did y'all find your way back to Nederland?" Chance chuckles.

"Well, these two are on their honeymoon and for some strange reason they wanted to spend it here." Tim smiles. "You remember Patch and Kirstie?"

"Yeah, we met on the beach. Congratulations." Chance smiles and shakes Patch's hand. "So, I heard two guys also tied the knot."

"Yeah." Tim nods. "A few months ago."

"That's good. I'm happy for you." Chance says.

"I bet." Jenika mumbles under her breath.

"You remember Austin?" Chance says as he lays a hand on his husband's back.

"Yeah, you guys were on your honeymoon, right?" Tim asks, shaking Austin's hand.

"Yep." Austin smiles as he slides his arm around Chance's waist.

"I run into your mom from time to time. She's still a firecracker." Chance laughs.

"She always will be." Tim chuckles.

"Oh! I love that song!" Austin squeals as a song begins to play. "Let's go dance."

"Okay, Babe." Chance smiles. "Well, Tim, it was good seeing you again. And Jenika, you're as beautiful as ever."

"Likewise." Tim says with a smile.

"Thanks." Jenika says as she fakes a smile.

Tim smiles as he unconsciously watches the couple walk away.

"He's taken so you can stop looking at his ass." Jenika growls as she takes a sip of her drink.

"What?" Tim says with a confused look on his face. "I wasn't looking at his ass. I'm just ..."

"Whatever." Jenika says with a roll of her eyes.

Patch and Kirstie had a great time despite the silence that had grew between Tim and his wife. Tim tried several times to talk to Jenika but she would suddenly engage into a conversation with Kirstie or would just ignore him. Tim finally gave up trying.

"Whew." Kirstie breaths as she sits down at the table and begins to take off one of her high heels. "My poor feet."

"I can understand that. How the hell can you wear those things?" Tim smiles.

"It takes talent, Tim." Kirstie laughs. 

Tim had his elbows resting on the table as he smokes a cigarette. A book of matches lay beside him that a bar maid had given him. Jenika was leaning back against the back of her seat as she played on her phone. It was clear to see that their fun night had abruptly ended.

"If you weren't so short you wouldn't have to wear them." Patch chuckles.

"You love me anyway." Kirstie smiles as she kisses her husband on the cheek.

"That I do." Patch signs during a yawn. "I don't know about y'all but I'm getting pretty tired."

"Yeah, me too. My feet are screaming for mercy." Kirstie giggles.

"It is getting pretty late. Guess we need to head home and rescue mom from those kids." Tim says as he stands up and holds out his hand to Jenika.

"Let's go." Jenika says as she gets up without taking his hand and starts making her way through the crowd.

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