After Crisises, Pizza is The Best Option

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Y/N got up on stage, and she was asked many questions about S/N. But, she tried to defuse them as much as possible by a single human being. James and Y/N agreed that the crisis was nearly over.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Can we get a celebration pizza or something?" I asked. James thought for a moment. "Yes. I think we can agree that this crisis is almost over." James said. "But to be honest, for a minute, we would have made a really cute couple." James said as he walked into his bedroom. "What???"

James P.O.V

Why did I say that, you all may be wondering? She looks cute when she's confused. I mean, she looks... um... cute. I just can't find another word for it. And it's true, we would have made a cute couple. This is not guaranteeing S/N, it's just a simple friendzone relationship. But I'm going to ask her for her number.

Y/N's P.O.V

I decide to order a pizza! Because who doesn't love pizza. I decide to look online while I'm waiting for it to come. Is there any fanart of- "Crap." James came out of his bedroom. "What?" "This crisis is not over. The fans have moved onto the next stage: fanart." "Okay, VidCon is over literally tomorrow. Can I have your number, so when I go back to Arizona and you go back to wherever you came from, we can call each other." "Sure." I wrote it down on a piece of paper and gave it to James. "Thanks." 

James P.O.V

Dang, I'm smooth. Just got a girl's number! Is it really that easy? 

Y/N's P.O.V

The pizza arrived and I paid for it. "I smell pizza." James said. "You smelled correctly." I said, putting the pizza down on the counter. I grabbed a paper plate and put my pizza on it. "So, we eat pizza on couch and watch a movie?" James asked, grabbing some pizza too. "Yep. That sounds about right." I said.

TheOdd1sOut x Reader (James x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now