10 - The Lost Sepulcher

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Adventure - Indiana Jones like (hopefully not like the fourth movie)

Date of (the end of) the review:
September 16th, 2018



Let's forget I just learned what "sepulcher" means (even if it sounds real close to the French term, but in less classy obviously), and focus on the wise choice of words. The title could have been like Lara and Junior's deformed offspring. Something like Raiders of the Lost Tomb of Doom. But we're off to a good start with a short, efficient and gripping title, conveying the theme  in two simple words and one I needed to look up on Google Translate.

The Lost Sepulcher is marked as "book 2", and I think you need to specify the name of your series somewhere (or find one). I know I can be a bit anal about things like that, but without a series title, I'm expecting a "Lost Sepulcher - book one/two/three", instead of books with different titles. Furthermore, series titles are very cool when chosen wisely.

Note to random Wattpaders: choose a series title only AFTER you wrote a goddamn series. Don't mark your story as "book one of the most amazing trilogy of all time" if the first issue isn't even finished. Reasonable goal, you cocky brat!



Like I said, The Lost Sepulcher is the second book of a series, and I really like the fact that there is a clear pattern between each cover (even with The Journey to Thebes, despite the different font for the title).

Font (as just mentioned), pictures, colors, general construction, it all make sense and allows readers to recognize any book of the series just by the cover. Very well done (and this is coming from a man getting angry for days when a publisher suddenly changes the spine of a series. Did I tell you about how anal I can be?).

Now... Let's be honest... And blunt.

First, maybe more colors, or more contrast would have been a good thing. All your covers kinda look like those of books you'd find in a yard sale after they'd been exposed too long in the sun. Thinking of it, it may be intended considering the archeology theme, but the covers may not pop out enough to catch the fleeting eye.

Now, for the blunt part... Brace yourself.

I hate the characters presented on the covers.

I know we're on Wattpad and that the vast majority of the audience is composed of the faceless monster called The Female Teen. I don't know if your story (or stories, here) are meant for them, but the covers make me very afraid of such a target audience. The characters, young and handsome, look like they're out of a bad soap opera. Nice hair, perfect figures, I already want to slap them. Problem, I guess they're your main characters. My point here is that, yes, Harrison Ford was handsome, but in a manly, worn, relatable kind of way for a guy crossing the world thrice in a single movie (the same goes for Drake, and even Lara is more credible in the last issues of the game...)

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