Well I'm fine

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Stiles' POV

I wrap a towel around my waist and step outside. With caution of course, what if it's a kidnapper? Or a murderer? Or the boogeyman? Or extremely hot Dean Winchest-

My thoughts were cut off when I saw... Derek? Wait what the fuck?

"Um... H-Hey Derek, ever heard about privacy?"

"I wanted to check on you"

"Wait... what?!? But you hate me! Are you sure you're not here to rip my throat out.... with your teeth?"

"First of all Stiles... *sigh* I don't hate you ok? And no, I'm not here to rip your throat out. I really just want to see how you're doing."

"Well I'm fine"

"You sure? Those cuts tell me otherwise"

I look at Derek in shock... GOD how am I so stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I look up to Derek, who clearly has lots of worry in his eyes, and... I don't know what to say....

"We'll talk about it after you get dressed" Says Derek as he walks outside.

There's only one word to describe this situation right now.... fuck.

I'm okay... [Sterek ff]•••DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now