Part 25

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Ok, i have no excuses, I'm procrastinating pure and simple. I'm almost done with exams but I just wanted to fucking do this, OK? Ok. This is fluff and some smut. A lead up to something fucking major. Enjoy, let me know what you think.

Cheryl tugged at her skirt, shifting her weight on her heels as they clunked lightly against the cheap, hollow metal of the steps beneath her. She glanced around, the warm sun catching at her eyes as she squinted them and surveyed the little village of ruin that was Sunnyside Trailer Park. The light bounced keenly off the red paintwork of her car, sticking out like a jewel in the sand, grateful to be touching its rays to something of value and newness in this municipal pocket of dereliction.

Even for the Southside this was underprivileged.

Weeds stood crookedly through cracks in the graying crumbles of asphalt attempting their escape from their cruel environment and happy to die slowly in the heat rather than suffer to live another day here. Packed, dried mud flumed up dustily in the light breeze, holes and bumps and ridges and tyre marks marred harshly across it as it was slowly eroded into makeshift roads. The sharp, toxic smell of burning rubber floated noxiously in the air to the tune of the odd dog bark and smashed bottles. Sirens wailed faintly in the distance. Each trailer cabin lay untidily akimbo, as if they were toys placed down by a bored child and left there in the world's backyard, forgotten about, to peel away slowly in the wind and dirt.

A true scuff on the map of her Riverdale.

She felt out of place. But not unwelcome.

She was incognito, despite how much she seemed to stick out.

She liked it.

She raised her hand, curling the knuckle of her forefinger and raked her eyes over the lichen ridden door before her. If she knocked too hard she feared her hand would go straight through it. It seemed to sit at an angle on its hinges, slumping diagonally in its frame, and the handle looked newer than the rest of it. She surmised it had likely been kicked in more than once.

She knocked crisply, three times in quick succession.

Toni had informed her at school yesterday, whilst braiding a strand of her red hair, that her uncle had been given a job that weekend, driving something to somewhere for someone as a favour. Cheryl's curious mind had prompted her to dig deeper into the vagueness of Toni's explanation but her desire to remain out of police custody had hushed it right away.

So, Toni had told her that, if she wished to do so, Cheryl was welcome to traverse the great divide of North to South and spend however many of those few days she wished with her in her trailer.



She crinkled her nose, wiping the specks of dirt on her finger against her leg and glanced at a small window to her left as she heard movement from behind it. The pane was broken, the evidence of it lying splintered in the unkempt grass beneath it and a black garbage bag had been taped into place to cover the hole, bristling softly in the breeze.

A clunk sounded from behind the door before it creaked open.

Cheryl watched as it shifted heavily out of place, straining on its hinges as a strip of faded rubber sealant peeled slowly down the frame, before turning her eyes to the girl in front of her.

She grinned, a contented sigh ready to leave her chest.


"Hi yourself, Bombshell."

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