Part 24

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OK I'M NOT BACK FOR GOOD OK BUT I'M RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF MY EXAMS AND ITS INTENSE AND I JUST NEEDED TO UPLOAD THIS. This is fluffy as fuck. I love that Jason Blossom never speaks because it means i can be lazy with characterization. Jokes, jokes, I personally think it gives him a gentleness and a wisdom so I wanted to keep that. Also holy shit you guys I hadn't been checking but thank you so much for all the kudos and shit, so cool. SO ENJOY COMMENT WHATEVER I'LL BE DONE BY WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK AND I'LL BE BACK FOR GOOD.

Cheryl had reached her hand over the side of the rowboat to drift her fingers leisurely through the cool waters of Sweetwater River, marvelling at the ripples cascading away from her as she'd pierced the sun-warmed surface and paddled her fingers in the cool depths. The smell of wet maple leaves and rich soil drifted through the air like the gentle tides beneath them, their cradle of a boat swaying soothingly to the accompanying lullaby of trickling water and light birdsong.

She had felt at peace here. At one time in her life, in that moment, it had been her favourite place in the world.

She and Jason had decided to take a visit one afternoon in the late summer before their 16th birthday to escape Thornhill and their parents and the perfect obligation of their lives for a few small hours. He had dutifully rowed them out to the middle, mooring them against a jutting boulder to where they had laid, side by side, to lift the Blossom crown, and all its weighted expectations, from their heads for just a while. To have the same red hair, and the same perfect posture, and the same privileged outlook on the cruel world in which they'd grown up but not to be 'The Blossom Twins' for now, to exist for a brief pocket in time together as simply Cheryl and Jason.

She had pulled her hand from the water, flicking light droplets onto the wood of the boat and watching them soak into it keenly as the sun had dried her hand.

"Have you told Polly that you love her yet, JJ?"

Her voice had been quiet, small in the vast expanse of nature in which they lazed but its presence still startled Jason as he opened his eyes to look at her. He sat up on his elbow, watching her face before breaking into a small smile and nodding his head.

Cheryl had smiled back, drifting her eyes over the handsome contours of his cheeks.

She had been jealous when she had first found out about Polly. Hideously so. Grotesquely, viciously, disturbingly jealous, flying into a resentful rage. Frighteningly Blossom in her reaction. How dare they? How dare some unworthy slut take her precious brother's attention from her? How dare she usurp Cheryl's position of affection in his eyes, the only accolade she'd ever truly wanted? How dare some Cooper find love, happy, contented, true love and yet Cheryl was left by the wayside, longing to love someone, man or woman - anyone - and, now, without the devotion of her beloved JJ either.

It had eaten at her.

Seared within her.

She'd never felt jealousy like it.

But then, one day, she had caught them at school together, murmuring sweetly to each other beside Jason's car in the parking lot. And the look of sheer happiness, freedom, peace on Jason's face had left her breathless.

He'd deserved this.

He'd deserved better than he'd been given in life.

He deserved to escape.

And if Polly Cooper was that escape, then so be it.

"How wonderful for you, Jason. And did she reciprocate?"

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