Part 2

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Enjoy this. Cheryl masturbates.


Archie Andrews was a handsome boy. Cheryl had always thought so. She was attracted to him easily, with his broad chest and chiselled face. He had a kind heart too, which was both endearing and foreign to her, and she saw a lot of Jason in him. He played football, he was Student Body President, and he was polite. Her mother would approve.

But he was boring. God, how he was boring.

The one time they'd ever shared a kiss Cheryl had initiated it just to shut him up. Unfortunately, as he sat at the lunch table with her and the rest of the gang, one arm gesticulating wildly as he spoke and the other cradled around his girlfriend, Veronica, Cheryl was unable to lean across and silence his banalities with her mouth.

Not that she wanted to anyway. Not anymore.

Blocking out Archie's fifth rendition of,

"So this guy is like, so huge!"

She was painfully aware, instead, of the table next to them. The occupants strewn around, on top, across and every which way possible rather than just sitting on the seats like the Northsiders. They each wore a Serpent insignia on their jackets proudly, gabbing away at each other with food in their mouths and throwing balled up napkins like apes.

In the middle of it all sat the queen, the unspoken leader of the little student faction of The Serpents, Toni Topaz. Her toned, little legs tucked tightly beneath her as she rolled her eyes at the antics of a taller boy.

"Sweets, knock it off, you're in public." She drawled at him. Cheryl smiled. Her voice was pretty too.

Cheryl had glanced briefly at their table as she'd entered with her own friends and had resisted the urge for a second look ever since. She was proud of herself. The epitome of control. However, she couldn't have felt further from it.

It had all been going so well. So normal. She patted her mouth daintily upon finishing her sandwich and turned to look at Betty as she began talking about Polly's twins, the blonde's mouth tilting into an affectionate smile as her soft lispy voice regaled a sweet tale about Juniper's accident with some mashed carrot.

Cheryl had been engrossed; they were her niece and nephew after all. That was until she had overhead a snippet of conversation from their Southside neighbours.

"No, Tiny. I'm serious. You've gotta taste this, this bougie fuckin' cafeteria has better food than most places in the Southside. Trust me, Toni, it's the best cookie I've ever eaten. Here, take a bite."

What followed next, Cheryl would never forget.

She had refrained from turning her head, despite the mention of a certain pink haired girl, and had assumed Toni had eaten the cookie.

She was correct.

A deep, raspy, contented moan, starting as a low vibrating hum stretching out silkily like tempered chocolate on a marble slab and fluttering off into a panted, breathy whimper floated out above the ruckus.


How good that cookie really must have been. Oh, to be that fucking cookie.

Cheryl had gulped, her legs squeezing together again instantly. She felt as though she'd been pushed underwater, baptised into a new sexual awakening in the middle of the cafeteria. Although, truthfully, not a new awakening to her at all.

That's what it must sound like. That's what it must sound like. Her breath left her. That's what Toni must sound like when-

She felt a flush of red stain over her face and chest, sucking her lip into her mouth with wide eyes and feeling a sudden urge to rub her hands up her thighs. She refrained.

Control yourself, Cheryl.

"Cheryl. Cheryl? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, Josie." She nodded, pressing her lips together in a grateful smile. "Cramps."

Cheryl's fingers hovered over the keys of her laptop, chewing nervously on her lip. Once again her curious mind had led her astray.

It was almost one o'clock in the morning, her mother and Nana Rose both long retired to their respective beds on the other side of Thistlehouse.

She hadn't been able to sleep. She hadn't been able to do much, as a matter of fact, save replaying a certain cafeteria incident with a certain Serpent over and over in her mind.

Eventually, sighing, she'd gone to lock her bedroom door, tiptoeing back to the bed and pulling her computer onto her lap. Her breathing shallow with anticipation.

She needed to focus. To regain her control.

Someone as sexually curious as Cheryl, but simultaneously repressed from ever letting her curiosities leave the confines of her own mind, was well adept at taking matters into her own hands - quite literally - to relieve the tension. The only time her upper class fingers would ever be put to work.

She gazed down at the explicit clips flickering repeatedly in front of her, the light from her laptop illuminating her flushed cheeks in the pitch black darkness of her bedroom. She'd done this before, only a few times though, keen to explore what the internet had for someone like her, someone who liked.... Both. But, right now, she found her fingers remained muted. She was at a loss for what to search.

Men? Perhaps. Women? Getting warmer. Women on Men? Overdone. Men on Men? Uncharted territory. Women on Women? Yes. Yes, tonight, that would do nicely.

Licking her dry lips, she scrolled impatiently through the video choices, observant eyes drinking in the adult material.

Next page.

No, next page.



No, no, NO.

Sighing again, she huffed out her bated breath and slammed the laptop shut, pushing it away like the disappointment it was to her. Nothing had piqued her interest.

She laid back, red hair falling gracefully onto her goose down pillow and closed her eyes, sucking in a deep breath through her nose. She thought back over the day. Kevin spilling his coffee in the parking lot. Mr Newman saying orgasm instead of organism in Biology, much to the amusement of everyone. Veronica telling her about Archie's worryingly large collection of potato chip packets in his car. Lunchtime, cafeteria. Serpents. Cookies. Toni. That.

No, she couldn't. Could she?

Slowly, eyes still closed, she slipped a hand down her body, pausing to squeeze her breast and biting her lip around a small sigh.

Her fingers hadn't had to work too hard, nor for too long, that night pumping herself hurriedly, back arching high off the bed, a frown on her brow and her lips parted blissfully as she stifled her moans. She gripped the decadent sheets beneath her, thinking of soft lips and pink tongues and wavy hair to match. That glimpse of abs beneath her Vixens shirt at practice, that godforsaken Serpent jacket that fit so well and smelled of wood fires. Of history class and cafeterias and fucking, stupid, delicious cookies. She finally got what she was searching for, Toni's moan playing over and over in her head as she let out a final shuddering breath and flopped onto the bed, satiated. She removed her hand, eventually opening her eyes and staring into the darkness, panting.

She'd really just done that. About a girl from school. The prettiest girl from school. She smiled.

She could feel it, seeping back into her very veins. Control. There it was.

She had slept very well indeed that night.

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