Scene 7 Chanel friend Kayla come over

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Kayla: Hey Chanel

Chanel: Hey Kayla nice to see you

Kayla: Nice to see you too and also how's you and Jay?

Chanel: You haven't heard the news me and Jay is No longer together

Kayla: oh sorry I brought his name up

Chanel: it's OK u didn't know but have you send my daughter

Kayla: Not ever since she was a baby

Chanel: I know and Ta'Shayla come here say hi to Kayla

Ta'Shayla: Hey Kayla (she talks quietly)

Kayla: you shy aren't u

Ta'Shayla: (she nodds)

Kayla: OK talk to you later Chanel and bye Ta'Shayla

Chanel: alright bye

Ta'Shayla: bye

Kayla: (laughs) Bye

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