Chapter Thirty- Eight

Start from the beginning

Our school colours flooded the halls on Monday, students chatted about the upcoming semi-finals for, you guessed it, basket ball. I haven't spoken to Kaiden for a while due to him being busy with practices and I've been busy with fighting. At least that was my excuse, I've fought with ex-military with bulging muscles and a need to win yet I'm terrified of my own emotions.
I shut my locker with my books in hand  for History. Hector was standing there, Melissa next to him with a broad smile. They looked so different, Melissa a cute little Labrador puppy but Hector an older black cat with a new piercing on his ear.

"Hey Felix! I'm soo glad you agreed with me and Kenzie" she chirped, handing me a sticky note with the information.
"We'll see you this Saturday at midday, don't skip right Hector?" She glanced playfully at the ever so quiet Hector.

"Hector?" She nudged him with her elbow making him blink back into focus.

"Huh.... yeah sure"
The bell rang, students began to walk to their classes.

"Oh no! I'm gonna be late for Physics" Melissa practically tripped over herself with a look of terror on her face. Hector chuckled lightly before looking at me with an unreadable expression,

"Felix..... can I talk to you for a second" he jerked his head to the bathroom and I followed him in. He shuffled on his feet nervously,

"Hey... uh, how-how do you know Annalise?" He asked straight forwards. His question surprised him,

"Just....around.." I replied vaguely.

"Is it true what she says about you? Are you actually..." He visibly gulped,
I'm kinda sick of people working out who I am at this point. The bathroom door swung open and a freshman scuttled past us.

"I thought she might've been lying but then she sent me this picture and... well..." he said quietly before showing me a picture on his phone of me from ages ago when we did the spray painting that the city council has covered up with boring white paint. It was undoubtedly me, there was no way of lying and saying it wasn't. I had my arm around Kaiden with a broad smile on my face and spray paint in my hand, luckily Kaiden was cropped out so you couldn't see him.
"She said that it's Razor but I know for a fact that it's you. She doesn't know but..."
The freshman washed his hands, glancing at us curiously.
I chuckled, slowly removing my glasses and folding them up to put in my pocket.

"That's absurd...." I said still laughing until the freshman was out. When the door shut, I immediately turned on Hector. Pushing him up against the wall by the collar of his sweater. He let out a small sound, all the 'tough, emotionless dark emo' act melted to show a terrified boy. Something in his wide eyes made me hesitate, it was like looking at my own eyes in the past.

"Listen to me and you better listen good" I hissed,
"You tell anyone, ANYONE" I tightened my grip making him flinch.

"I will be after you next got it?!"

"I got it! Let me go!" He began struggling, I dropped him which made him fall into his ass on the tiles
"I won't tell anyone, I'm sorry"

"Good" I said putting my glasses back on, blinking as my eyes adjusted to being able to see (yes I did take them off just to fuck with him). I'll have to see Annalise very soon about this.
"See you this Saturday" I said, a bit more threatening then what I meant. Hector nodded, scrambling up and practically bolting from my sights. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"Come on Felix" I muttered,
"Stay calm, stay hidden" I looked at my reflection. Seeing a hallowed out shell of a teenage boy, bags under my eyes showed my lack of sleep. The more I looked, the more I saw my father. I wasn't him, I will never be him!

But he's your father, it's in your blood a voice in the back of my mind spat. I squeezed my eyes shut but when I opened them, I didn't see me. I saw the dark closet. I saw my mothers limp body as I couldn't do anything. I saw him.

"GODDAMNIT!" I yelled, tears prickling in the back of my eyes. My breathing got ragged, I started to loose my sense. My body felt numb, but not numb enough. I raised my fist, bringing down on the glass mirror. It cracked, shattering my reflection. The pain brought me back to reality, I gripped the sink with shaky hands.

"You're okay.... you're okay" I mumbled, washing the blood off my hands. I had small scratches up the side of my hand but nothing major. I took a few deep breaths before making my way to history, 20 minutes late and with a throbbing hand.

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