Chapter Seventy Three- The Letter

Start from the beginning

"I missed you" He smiles into the kiss making me laugh lightly before pulling back.

"I missed you too, how was your trip?" I ask. Harry had been to see his Mom and the rest of his family and friends in England for the past to 2 weeks and got back this afternoon. I had missed him so fucking much it was a joke. He asked me to go with him but I couldn't get the time off work and seen as classes had started up again I was tied down. We had called, texted and FaceTimed but nothing compared to actually being with him and being physically able to kiss him, cuddle and you know have sex. I did miss the sex, I'm not gonna lie. We tried phone sex but Eva walked on me several times and now we had vowed never to attempt it again.

"Good" He says bluntly.
"My Mum says she misses you" he adds and I smile. His Mom had FaceTimed me when Harry was and we had a conversation even when Harry fell asleep. She was lovely. Harry drunk called be a few times and I got to talk to a few of his friends briefly which ended just being a conversation of how I should of come and that they all really wanted to meet me because Harry would shut up about me. It was cute.

"Awh" I smile as we pull away.

"What's that?" He says pointing down the letter in my hand with a skeptical look on his face. I had completely forgot about the letter as soon as I saw him, it was crazy.

"Oh I don't know, something from Mrs Evers" I say as I look down at the fancy writing on the front of the envelope.
"I'll read it later" I say as I tuck the letter in my bag.
"Can we grab some food?" I ask making him laugh lightly.

"How did I know you were going to ask that?" He says as he opens the car door. He pulls out a brown basket and holds it up with a cheeky grin on his face. My heart literally was doing backflips at this point in time.

"A picnic? You did this?" I ask in shock. How did he even have time to do this? I thought he would be tired and jet lagged but clearly not.

"Well yeah... I missed you" He says sweetly and I see him getting a little shy on me.
"So I'm taking you somewhere" He states and I smile looking at him in admiration.

"I love you" I tell him as I place a sweet kiss on his lips.

"No you just love that I brought food" he laughs and I shrug.

"Can't argue with that" I joke and he rolls his eyes gesturing for me to get in the car.


"How's everything at home?" I ask him as I take a chocolate covered strawberry into my mouth. Harry had brought us to probably my favourite place in the world. The lagoon he brought me to months ago. After we kissed here the first time and had such a good time together just being us, I loved coming here. The sun had just started to go down and we had set up our little picnic on the edge of the lagoon pool. There was no one here as usual as I don't think anyone knew of this place. After arguing with Harry over who gets the last slice of pizza he agreed that I should have it on the condition we would do what he wanted all night. I didn't care what he wanted to do because I would do it anyway just because I would be with him.

"Good" He says bluntly looking down for a second, I go to open my mouth to ask another question about his visit but he cuts me off instantly.
"How's everything been here? Did everyone miss me?" He smirks and I roll my eyes. I didn't understand why he never wanted to talk about his trip home, like even the questions I asked in the car on the way here he brushed off. He was acting odd, but I didn't want to argue so I let it go.

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