11-Why him!😭

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I woke up and walked down stairs, everything seemed normal, Amelia was making waffles and Lucas went out to get some milk, I plumped myself onto the couch and started re-watching Riverdale, have to get ready for the new season!

I heard someone knock on the door but being as lazy as I am I didn't want to go open it. The person knocked again, and again and again, like seriously get the hint we don't want to open the door. Just as I was about to go open the door Amelia walks out of the kitchen and towards the door.

"Don't worry I know how lazy you are."

I smiled back at her and stuffed my face with chocolate from Dylan's basket. She opened the door then closed it and looked at me.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Jarred."

"So let the guy in, it's not like he thinks I'm single, wait am I single, oh fuck just let him in."


She opened the door again and Jarred walks in.

"Sup midget."

"Sup dumbass."

"So to what do I owe the pleasure of you being here?"

"Oh you know just came to pop in."

"Real reason please."

"Ok so Aidan told me about his plan to propose, it starts in 3 days time, since seniors get next week off he said we should rather do the road trip and fail our exams together,but yeah so road trip next week and then plan propose to Eva begins."

"Ok sounds good, but did you bring any food with you?"

"Chloe you have like 12 boxes of chocolate in your room and more on the floor where you are sitting right now."

"What!? A girls gotta eat when a girls gotta eat."

"Hey guys the waffles are done, I'm just waiting for Lucas to come with the milk and juice."

"Ok we're coming."

Jarred and I walked into the kitchen and sat at the counter, Amelia took the seat next to mine and we started eating waffles but I started getting worried because how long can it take a guy to get milk and juice!



Suddenly we hear knocks at the door and I stand up tat get it, I walk over to the door and open it, two men dressed in police officer outfits are standing at my porch.

"Good morning is this the Dawson residence?"


"Miss Dawson I'm terribly sorry to tell you this but Lucas Dawson has been rushed to hospital, he was in an accident this morning."

I'm shocked by their words.

All I can do is nod.

"He was rushed to Rondebosch medical center."

"Thank you officers." I say while my eyes start to loose vision because of the tears forming.

I close the door as the walk away, once the door is shut I slide down the wall and start crying, the tears won't stop it's coming out like a waterfall.

Amelia runs to my with Jarred not to far behind and she holds me. I can eat her asking what's wrong bit my body is to shocked to react.

"Lucas....hospital....car...accident!" I say between sobs.

Jarred picks me up and Amelia runs to the car with the car keys and our house keys, Jarred carry's me out of the house and once we are all in the car Amelia zooms our of the drive way and towards the hospital, I direct her and we finally arrive.

We all run into the hospital and ask where he is, the nurse says his still in surgery and we have to wait for the doctor to do all he can.
-7 hours later-
The doctor finally comes out and I run towards him.

"Are you family of Lucas Dawson?"

"Yes, I'm his sister."

"Ok, Lucas is in recovery now, we managed to save him but he lost a lot of blood, you can see him in an hour."

"Thank you doctor."

I get some information from the doctor and run back to Amelia and Jarred.

"Amelia! His going to live, his in recovery and we can see him in an hour or so but he looks really bad."

"As long as his alive I'm happy."

After an hour he doctor comes in and he tells us he can come to the room. I walk in with Amelia and Jarred behind me.Lucas is laying up and awake, I smile to see him smile, I run over to him and give him a hug but not to tight though.

"Miss me?"Lucas says with a smile on his face.

"Of course I missed you, now how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling better just in a little pain."

We all start talking and after visiting hours only one person can stay so Amelia lets me stay with Lucas.

Just as I'm about to fall asleep I see Dylan coming out of a hospital room.
Sorry for the short chapter, but I'm excited to see what's happening next!

Is Lucas going to be ok?
When will Aidan Propose?


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