Not happy

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She was the best thing that happened in my life. 4 years of being together. We are going to celebrate our 5th year 3 months from now. Everybody that knows we are together said we are the perfect match for each other. Uhm, our relationship was not in public though. We kept our relationship to the people close to us. She was always there for me whenever I need her. She comforts me and showed me love. We were so happy. Of course, there is no perfect relationship, we also have a lot of ups and downs. There were a lot of attempts that we are going to breakup. Actually, we did. Just for a month though. But we worked out. Now we're back together. But, she changed.

Jennie went inside the house and she seemed to be rushing to get inside the bedroom. Jisoo was in the kitchen and just looked at the other girl. After a few minutes Jennie went out carrying her backpack.

"Babe, we'll be having a sleepover at my officemate's house. We need to finish something.. For work." Jennie said without looking at Jisoo.

"Chahee's?" Jisoo asked, while her heart is pounding so hard. Her eyes were teary. She knew that mentioning that name will hurt the hell of her.

Jennie who's at the door froze. Jennie the looked at Jisoo with a surprised face.

"Uhm. Yeah. How'dya know.." Jennie knows she never introduced Chahee to Jisoo. She knows she never ever mentioned Chahee to Jisoo.

"I just know.. Like our conversation a week ago. If you are not happy anymore, let me know. Don't make me look stupid by making me think there is still an US, Jennie. And if you fell out of love already, let me know!! Don't make me a fool by cheating on me with just a girl that you've just met!!"

"Jisoo. Look. We already talked right? You know I love you."

"LOVED me. Jennie, don't fool yourself. You are not the Jennie that I know of. You are different now."

"No I am not. Who are you to judge me like that."

"If not, will you stay here? Tonight, can you stay? Will you choose me over her?"

"I'm.. I'm sorry.. She.. She's waiting for me outside.." Jennie slammed the door.

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