After Breakup

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Jisoo's phone was ringing. It was an unknown number.
"This should be another Real Estate Agent! I am so done with them!" Jisoo was pissed off. She have been receiving calls from them after she moved to a new apartment since last year.

"Hello? If this is another Realty Company then bye!" Jisoo said harshly.

"How are you?"

A familiar voice that she heard a long time ago. Her heart just beats faster and its hurting her, again.

"Eherm.. Who is this please?" Jisoo asked even though she knows who is it.

"So you really did forget me.. It's me, Jennie." She knew it.

"I know a lot of Jennie, can you please tell me your last name?" She played pretend.

"Jennie Kim." The girl sadly replied.

"Oh.. I told you to not call me right? And how did you even know my number?!" Jisoo harshly said. She still feel the anger towards her ex.

"I..I miss you.." Jisoo heard the other girl cried.. Jennie cried after she said those three words.. Three words that Jisoo finds meaningless already.

Jisoo was silent. She doesn't want to cry so she just listened. Listened to the girl on the other line crying. She doesn't give a damn about Jennie anymore.

"I..I realized a lot of things after you left me.. and I am so sorry." Jenni was still crying.

"Remember you left me first." Jisoo answered coldly.

"Yes.. I know I cheated on you. It's really hard to admit that I cheated on you.. Even though you were so good to me, after all the love you gav.."

"Stop it Jennie. What do you actually want from me??" Jisoo cuts the drama.

"I just wanted to hear your voice. I just want to hear encouraging words from you.. You were my source of strength before.. I feel so weak right now like I am going to die.." Jennie said. Jisoo just rolled her eyes.

"Hear my voice? Strength? How about that girl you replaced me with? Why do you get some strength from her? Just stop using me Jennie. I am so done with being dumb about you months ago."

"Irene.. She doesn't know she was a third party at that time. She doesn't know that we are together, I told her you are my bestfriend.."

"Oh shut the fuck up Jennie, here we go again with the Bestfriend thing."

"I didn't know I was falling for her already.. Jisoo, you know yourself you were not trying your best in our relationship. Irene gave me warmth and affection."

"The hell Jennie, why do you need to tell me this? I admit I have some faults to but you have your faults too remember? No ones perfect but then one can decide WHETHER THEY FUCKING CHEAT OR ADMIT THEY JUST CAN TELL THEIR PARTNER THAT THEY ARE NOT HAPPY ANYMORE SO THAT THEY CAN WORK IT OUT. AND YOU... YOU CHEATED ON ME AND LIED MANY TIMES!!" Jisoo cant contain it anymore, she shouted at Jennie.

Jennie was sobbing on the other line. Jisoo doesn't care anymore.

After a few minutes, Jennie broke the silence..

"I want to see you and I want to be your bestfriend again. I miss my bestfriend.. I miss you Jisoo."

"You know what?! I can maybe forgive you but I can never be friends you. I don't even want to ever see you again."

"Why? After you move out from our place, I felt emptiness."

"You deserve it."

"Why do you need to be so harsh to me Jisoo?"

"Do you want me to repeat all the crazy stupid things I did for you? I did just to keep you by my side at night when all you want was to go out and go behind my back to meet Irene. I asked you a million times Jennie if somethings wrong so we can talk, but what? You still go behind my back keeping secrets. And as if, as if you didn't bring Irene in our place when I was at work.. You think I didn't know that? Fuck it Jennie. Just stop. Leave me alone. Forget me.  You... I.. I don't deserve a person someone like you. I deserve to be loved.. Bye.." Jisoo ended the call. She sat on her bed.. For a few months, again, she cried. For  few months she was numb, pain is crawling on her chest again..

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