After she leaves I turn to my dad with a confused look on my face. "What. Just. Happened?" I said.
"I'll tell you later, but for now let's go save Erra, Suave, Carlos, and the king."
"Yeah!" I yelled. Encre just glared and Fallacy. And said something in French that I didn't understand but Dad's look on his face tells me it wasn't good. "Donc tu ne m'as jamais parlé d'elle non plus? hein?" Is what he said. As we leave the hallway in search of the others I just can't help but hope that Suave, Erra, and even Carlos are okay.

Suave's PoV:

So in short, we got caught. And the king decided change the execution day to today. And now Carlos and Erra are supposed to be executed today as well. I looked on the stage to see Erra and Carlos right next to her. They were going by ages first . So that would mean Erra would be executed first even though Carlos is the bastard here. And I wouldn't dare have my lady be executed by some crazy scoundrels. So I left to find Fallacy and the others. Luckily there be some time before the execution starts but not a lot though so I have to hurry.
I ran into the throne room and was stricken with grief. There is no way I'll find them in this huge castle. I sigh and slumped down onto the chair closing my eye sockets. "I'm sorry Fallacy I have seemed to have failed to keep my promise to keep Erra (and Jasper as well) safe"
"You seriously can't be giving up now Suave." Says a voice I know all too well.
"Jasper!?" I open my eyes(sockets) to see Jasper above me. Plus Encre and Fallacy too. I jump up and bow to Fallacy. "I'm sorry sir."
"There is no need Suave, now where is Erra and Carlos?"
"They're going to be executed today by the king's orders Erra first before Carlos." I saw fear, hatred, anger, and guilt in M'lords eyes as I told him that.
"Jasper, take the needle and enject the juice into the king, Suave and Encre you two go with him." We all nod.
"What about you sir?"
"I'll go save Erra and Carlos." That was the plan. And we split up. I now hope that Fallacy will save them before the execution starts.

Fallacy's PoV:

I flew through the castle and out into the outside and flying as high as I could.Up in the air I could see where it was taking place and flew straight down into it. It was just beginning.

Third Person PoV:

Surrounding the Execution stand was Fallacy's army and some townsfolk that fought with them. Plus including the Queen and Prince. Erra's eyes scanned the crowd searching for someone at least. Then she spot someone and their eyes made contact with her's. It was Johnathan. The one person she did not want to make eye contact with of course. She could see sadness in his eyes. She looked away. She couldn't bare to look at him. Not in this situation at least. And the. The king came up onto the stage and started to speak. "Welcome, welcome to the first ever execution of this kingdom" the king's voice sounded demonic way different from his happy go lucky dad voice. "Now we only have two sadly, Carlos the vampire who returned my wonderful artist, and Erra, daughter of the vampire king himself. She will be first." He said with a grin. Guards pushed her up to the guillotine and she closed her eyes when suddenly....


And she was gone, disappeared, or so they thought. Then there was another


And that time Carlos was gone. "What the?" Questioned the king. Then he saw who performed this magic trick. Up in the air above all the rest. Was Fallacy holding both Erra and Carlos to his chest. "Well, well, well guess who finally showed up, " boomed the king. Unaware of the figure lurking in the shadows behind him. "How DARE you try to hurt my child" Fallacy's voiced echoed among the crowd. The king just chuckled. Fallacy's eyes started to turn to a purpilish red color. "Ooooo, Im so scared the Vampire king turned on his death eyes," the king says sarcastically. Then came a loud screech and right behind him was Jasper sticking the needle right into his neck. The blue juice quickly flowed into the king. Luckily only a drop was actually needed to cure him since the king then flew Jasper right off his back. Suave was there to catch him though.

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