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We were at the dining table, I sat in the middle with Isaac and our father facing each other

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We were at the dining table, I sat in the middle with Isaac and our father facing each other. The silence was deafening and the hairs on my arms are upright in fear.

"So Elijah, how are Your grades?" My father spoke up after the long period of quietness.

"Umm they're okay," I muttered fearfully, my eyes widening.

"Speak up boy," his voice boomed and my hands began to lightly shake.

"Actually dad my grades are pretty good at the momen-"

"Shut up Isaac," Dad narrowed his eyes and Isaac shrunk into his seat.

"So Elijah, what were those grades exactly?" His eyes stared at me, eyebrows raising in a mimicking manner.

"Umm I still have t-time to make it better, I-I mean it could get b-better," I stuttered out.

"Just tell me the goddamn grades Elijah," he spoke louder looking down at me.

"B in gym, C in world history, C in biology and a D in Algebra," my voice grew quieter as the list went on; Isaac looking over at me fearfully.

"You know what Elijah? That's just fine, this just proves my point exactly," his voice rose higher and higher.

"That all that those fucking drugs you're on half the time are messing with your head," he stood up, with his chair scraping the floor roughly.

He grabbed my shoulder, guiding me up
"You're poor mothers; last, dying breathe, was spent on giving birth to you," he spat out at me, gripping my shoulder harder.

"She died, just for you to become a no good, fucking, junkie, piece of shit!" He pushed me to the floor; resting a foot on my chest, and grabbing the large knife from the kitchen side.

"Dad! Stop!" Isaac yelled, stepping closer to grab him.

"Stay out of this Isaac!" Dad pushed him to the floor and focused back to me.

He held the knife closer to my neck, pointing the sharp point towards my throat, and begin the push it into layers of my skin slowly.

"I'd be helping you now if i just finished it for you," he looked down with his sadistic smile.

"Dad, p-please s-s-top," I croaked out, looking to my right were Isaac was passed out on the floor.

"No, I have an even better idea," he grinned again and fear radiated off of my body. He dragged me up again, pulling me towards the basement so I knew what was bound to happen.

"ISAAC!" I screamed hoping for an answer, as he gently stirred on the floor.

"Isaac's not going to help you boy!" Tears ran down my face as the freezer came into view.

"Dad, Dad please don't do this! Please!" I screamed, hoping he'd find love in his heart somewhere.

He didn't make a sound as he pushed me into the freezer. I pushed up and he pushed the lid down, the last thing I saw was his eyes.

"This is for your own good son."

I woke up hot, with tears down my face and my entire body shaking, the time on my phone was 4:58am and I knew I wouldn't get back to sleep now. Grabbing my phone I clicked the top contact.


"Hey Eli it's early for you right now isn't it?"

"Yeah I couldn't sleep," I mumbled with my voice shaking in fear slightly.

"Another nightmare?" Isaac had clear worry in his voice.

There was a long silence before I spoke again.

"Can you just talk to me Izzy?"

"Of course I can," his voice calmed me, the same way it did every time I called, and the same as it did after my panic attack's over my dad.

Isaac spoke to me for around an hour, his soft voice soothing me as he told me about his latest adventures in France. The food he'd been eating, the art, the culture; it made me feel as though I was with him, and I didn't feel so alone anymore.

"I miss you Izzy,"

"I miss you too Eli,"

"We'll talk soon yeah?" I questioned him.

"Of course, have a good day at school, love you!" I could practically hear his grin down the phone.

"I love you too."

⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆

Hopping off the back of Scott's bike, I said my farewells and went off to find friends my own age. Before I could, a whistle echoed through my ears, turning around, I found Nate and Soph chuckling to themselves.

"I'm surprised you actually showed up today," soph exclaimed approvingly; even with all the drama in our lives the young stilinski is still so focused on her studies and is constantly nagging me about how I'm behind.

"Very funny soph, but for your information learning about algebra is at the the top of my to-do list," I sarcastically remark. "Anyway, any news from Lydia, Nate?"

"Only, her telling me that Derek is still unconscious and she's fine," he gave a small smile, sensing my worry.

Soph looked over at me disappointedly, as I took the cigarette out from behind my ear; lighting it.

"C'mon Eli, you told me you'd stop,"

"Honey, you and me both know that's never going to happen," I say placing a small peck on her cheek.

Nathan sniggered next to me, whilst soph continued her disapproving look, yet there was a small smile behind her glare.

My attention was drawn elsewhere, when my ears picked up conversations from my classmates about a new kid starting in our grade.

"Yeah, I heard he got kicked out from his last school, my cousin goes there, something about having anger issues."

This would definitely be interesting, maybe this kid could keep up with me and nate.

A/N: sorry this is so short I haven't wrote this book in months but I thought I'd try and start it up again

Lola x

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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