2. Gareth's Sins

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Gareth graduated top of his Chemical Engineering class in college and was recommended to BCDC by his professor. The pay the company offered him was quadruple the salary his batchmates were getting. It's too good to pass up. He accepted right away. There is just one set back. He needed to stay in an underground company and cannot leave for six consecutive months.

He was really focused on the project assigned to him. His boss is a forty-ish woman who never smiled and spoke in cold, clipped tone. She wore glasses and always had her hair up in a bun. But Gareth was not intimidated. He knew how he could control his tiger boss.

He caught her one night checking on the finishing components of the biological war weapon they were working on. He went over and offered his help. She greeted him with a scowl and did not say anything. He was not intimidated. He stayed beside her until she softened towards him and one thing led to another. After that first time, their sexual encounter became a daily habit. There was no love. They satisfied each other and find release with each encounter. In a world beneath the real world, belonging to an organization that aims to be on top of their field being the best in production of weapons of mass destruction, they find someone in each other who reminds them of their humanity.

There is the question of his wife. Natalie Bane, the only daughter of the largest stock holder and heir to BCDC. She married Natalie for her money and connections. Gareth was used to living an easy life. Everything came to him in a golden platter.

Rachel is different. Dr. Rachel Monroe. She may be old enough to be his mother but her looks are deceiving. She could pass as someone twenty years younger than her real age. Hell, Gareth didn't know why but Dr. Rachel Monroe drives him wild! He wanted her all the time, anywhere, anyway! He can't stop thinking of her body, her lips, her scent, her moans. In the rare times he sleeps with his wife, it is always Rachel he is imagining making love to. But he is not in love with her...or so he thought. He's not sure anymore. Only one thing is certain. He needs to have her again and again and again!

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