new chapter

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"STOP THAT BOX IS FRAGILE" I heard my mom yelling at the movers. "MEGAN GET OVER HERE AND HELP THESE MEN WITH MY STUFF!" I let out a sigh and walked over to the truck. I can't even believe I am here in stupid San Antonio Texas.

My new perfect step dad Dave got a new job in San Antonio. So we had to leave all of our friends and family, and come to dumb Texas. I'm not the stuck up type like my mother, but moving from Florida to Texas made me kinda mad. My little brother Ben hated it too. We pretty much grew up there. And now we are in Texas.

I walked into my new room, which impressed me because it was much larger then my old one. Plus it had it's own bathroom. I set down a box that read "Megan's room" and started to open it reveling my things.

After 3 hours of unpacking, my room was finished. My walls bright blue with Polaroid pictures hanging on Christmas lights surrounded my room. My bed was white with green and blue pillows. On my desk was makeup and my laptop. Above my desk was a collage of pictures with me and Ben. He is my best friend. Even though he was my annoying 7th grade brother, he always made me laugh like nobody can.

Lastly a small sign on the back of my door that read "if idiots could fly, this house would be an airport." Mostly pointing towards Ben.

I walked down the curved stair case to find my mom unloaded boxes for the kitchen. Instead of her asking for my help, which she would have done anyways, I decided not to ask, and start help unpacking.

"Megan Is your room unpacked?" My mom asked/yelled, I could tell she was stressed.

"Yes, I unpacked my clothes and everything, unless there is a box I missed I'm done."

"Good, how about you and Ben explore the neighborhood, find some friends. It won't hurt. A smart, pretty 16 year old girl like you, it shouldn't be hard to make a couple new friends"

"easy said then done" I whispered under my breath.

I breathed loudly and went to bens room to find he was talking to his friends on the xbox.

"Ben, mom wants us to go around the neighborhood, and find some friends." He shot up "I don't need new friends, I've got hunter, elcia, and you. I don't want new friends" he rolled his eyes. "Look this move isn't easy for me either, but with ur attitude, it will be 10x worse. C'mon it won't hurt." He finally said goodbye to his friends. "Let's go Megan, I want to get this over with."

Right when we walked out there was a group of boys playing basketball across the street. "Megan look, boys! And hey they look your age. Oh my god Megan look how hawt that one is. Mhm get me some of...." I quickly elbowed him in the side.

"Ow meg, what the heck?"

"Oops sorry the wind must have bumped me" we both laughed and continued walking down the street.

Although my brother was kidding, those boys were pretty cute, and looked about my age. Maybe living here isn't too bad after all.

We finished trolling the streets, and were on our way back home. The boys across my house weren't outside anymore.

"Hey Megan?" Ben slowly and quietly said my name. "What?" Confused, I shot my head up to see where he was looking.

"Who the hell is that?" We were looking at what seemed to be our dad, our real dad. "Ben, run and go get mom, I'll stay behind this tree and keep and eye on him."

Ben quickly ran to the front door. I studied the tall, green eyed, dark hair figure for awhile.

How is he here. he left my brother, my mom, and I

4 years ago with a burned down house, and one hell of a debt.

My mom, and my step dad bursted out the door.


"Mom I'm right here!" I ran quickly to her and she held me tight.

"I want you and Ben to go inside and wash up, dinner is almost finished"

Me and Ben walked inside and sprinted straight to my room, and opened the window.

"Are they talking!"

"Shut up Ben so we can hear."

"What in the world are you doing here!" My mother shot up angry.

"Hey! That ain't no way to treat a neighbor." He smirked.

"No way in hell. Where is your house."

I was hoping he wouldn't point there, but he did. Of corse, right when I think guys are cute. Everything gets fucked up by my dad. Of corse he has to be the father to one of the cute boys.

Of corse one of then has to be my step brother.


HEY GUYS!! I'm so sorry this chapter is super lame, and sounds like a 4 year old wrote it

But trust me IT GETS BETTER!!!!!!!

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