Chapter 2: Dunkin Donuts

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Chapter 2: Dunkin Donuts


Ever since that night, I couldn't stop thinking about Andy. My heart would beat faster when I would hear a BVB song or see a video of him online. I hadn't entered his number in my phone and when I thought about contacting him, I would just stare at the slip of paper for a couple of minutes before chickening out.

I figured I just needed to clear my mind so I got in my car and drove to Dunkin Donuts to get an iced coffee, my favorite. I parked and walked up to the cashier.

"1 iced coffee" I said, propping my sunglasses on top of my head. Once I got it, I payed and turned to leave but bumped into someone, my coffee spilling it all over them and sending me flying to the ground.

"Oh my God I'm so sor-" I looked up and saw Andy. "Oh my God Andy! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there" I rambled as he pulled me up.

"Haha it's fine" He laughed, wiping at his muscle shirt with a napkin. He looked at me and his jaw dropped.  "Oh Kayla, hi" He said before looking back down and continuing to wipe his shirt.

"I'm so sorry Andy" I said again.

"Seriously, it's fine, no biggy, cmon, let me by you a new coffee."

"N-No, I-I c-co-couldn't pos-possibly let you d-do th-that." I stuttered. Why do I stutter around this amazing man?

"Kayla, I'm serious, you just gotta come sit with me" He said with a smile and a wink. 

"Fine" I said and his smile grew. He bought me my coffee and I followed him to his table. "JUst so you know, I can't stay for long, I gotta go somewhere."

"Oh alright, how much time do you have?" I looked down at my phone.

"Ummm a minute."

"Damnit, alright, one question"

"Shoot" I said, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Why haven't you called or texted me?" I almost spit out my coffee. I quickly swallowed it and started bitting my lip. What should I tell him? I can't tell him I was nervous cause I liked him alot. It'll make me seem like a fan girl and I'm more then that, this feels like actual love for him.

"Ummm" I said. Shit, think fast Kayla! "Ummm I-I've been really busy. I'm really sorry Andy, I gotta go" I said as I left my number for him on the table and hurried out of the shop.

I felt really bad.


I sighed as I walked to my car. Does she not like me? I really thought she was interested in me like, I really like her. I got home, thinking about Kayla the whole ride home.

The way her raven black hair falls perfectly on her shoulders and her bangs fall perfectly on her flawless forehead. The way her fair skin make her beautiful chocolate eyes pop out. How the sound of her voice makes my heart skip a beat.

That's it, I'm making the first move. I gotta figure out if she likes me or not! I picked up my phone and dialed her number.

"Hello?" I heard Kayla ask.


Listening to Party Rock Anthem~ LMFAO

AmberNicolePurdy gave me the idea

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