Chapter 17: Tattoos and Rings

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Chapter 17: Tattoos and Rings

Kayla's POV

Later that day, I drove over to Diana's house. I just need someone to vent to besides Andy. I love that he listens and everything, but Diana and I have a slightly different connection. We're almost like sisters. Once i knocked on the door, it opened almost instantly.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked with a smile once she saw me.

"I just really need to vent." I sighed.

"Of course! Come on in and I'll make some coffee." She said, making space in the doorway for me to enter.

I walked in and sat down on her small sofa that was big enough for about three people, with an ugly orange arm chair next to it that I haven't seen before. She walked in and set down the cups of coffee on the table.

"New chair?" I asked her.

"Yeah, it was a gift from my parents since 'I don't have enough furniture.'," She said, mimicking her mother's voice. I laughed a little before taking a sip of the coffee.

"So what's up?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well, you know that I was very close with my parents and-"

"Was?" She said cutting me off, shocked.

"When they met Andy, they lost their shit. They said that he would cheat on me, and that he wasn't going to heaven so I shouldn't be with him." I explained.

"Andy's the best guy you've ever dated by far!" She exclaimed.

"I know, and that's what I told them, but they said that he was a bad influence, so I cussed them out and we stormed out... well I did, he followed. The I cried in the car and got drunk at his house." I told her.

"You don't drink." She smirked.

"Last night I did, then I woke Andy up and told him that I wanted to have sex and that I didn't care about the whole promise thing anymore."

"You didn't!" she exclaimed, wide eyed.

"No, no, no, he said that after he said no, I broke down crying and he comforted me til I fell asleep." I said causing her to chuckle.

"I just really want my family to understand that I care a lot about him and I'm not leaving him just because they don't approve... but I also want them to like him because if we do end up getting married, I want them to be there." I rambled as tears started welling up in my eyes.

"Aww, Kayla," she said pulling me into a hug.

"I just don't know what to do! I love him!" I cried, letting the tears fall.

"Hey, your parents will get over it, and if you do end up getting married, then they'll be proven wrong. Because you two are seriously the cutest couple I've ever seen. I know that you guys are gonna work out." she said with a smile.

"Thanks D" I said giving her a big hug.

"Any time Kayla. Is there anything else you needed?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah actually... I need you to talk me out of something." I said, playing with my sleeve.

"What?" she asked.

"I wanna get a... tattoo." I said nervously.

"You should!" She cried with joy.

"What!" I shouted. She was supposed to be against tattoos! She's always hated them! "What the fuck! I thought you hated the idea of tattoos!" I yelled at her in shock.

"Since I got to know Jinxx, he's kinda changed that idea. Now I want one." She said excitedly before gasping. "Can we get them together? I wanna get a tattoo with my best friend there for moral support!" She rambled.

"Damnit Diana, you were supposed to talk me out of this! Now I want one more than ever!" I said with a sigh.

"Have you made the appointment?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's for tomorrow. Andy doesn't know about it yet, I wanted to surprise his with it." I told her.

"What are you gonna get?" She asked.

"It's gonna be on my side, and it's gonna be a crown of thorns, like when Jesus was crucified, he wore a crown of thorns... plus my favorite Black Veil Brides song is Crown of Thorns" I explained.

"I like it! And the fact that BVB has a song called Crown of Thorns makes it even better." She said excitedly. "Can I come with you?" She asked.

"Of course, I'm gonna need moral support from someone. I want to surprise Andy with it." I said.

"What time is it?" She asked suddenly. I looked at my phone.

"Three twenty, why?" I asked her.

"Shit! I was supposed to meet Jinxx at three ten!" She cried, running out the door and leaving me alone in her apartment.

"Alright then." I said to no one in particular, before walking out and driving back home. I wonder what Andy's doing.

Andy's POV

"Thanks for coming with me CC." I said as we walked into the jewelry store at the mall.

"No problem! So what are you getting?" He asked.

"A new promise ring for Kayla, she lost her old one, so I wanna get her one for our relationship." I explained.

"Wow! That's big. I didn't know you could be so cheesy Biersack." He laughed.

"Shut up and help me look." I snapped.

"Fine! Someone's PMSing." He mumbled, causing me to laugh.


"This is perfect!" I said, holding the blue velvet box tightly in my hand. In it was a silver ring with one of my Andy Black lyrics on it reading, "I don't believe that love was made to break." I had them engrave it in there in the shop. I got a black one for myself with the same lyrics on it.

"When are you going to give it to her?" CC asked as we got into my car.

"I don't know yet, but Christmas is right around the corner. Maybe then."

"Well, I'll see ya later dude. I gotta go to Tiffany's house, if you know what i mean?" He smirked, winking.

"Have fun." I chuckled, before driving to Kayla's house to watch movies, leaving the ring in the car so she doesn't see it. God, I love her so much!


I want to give a huge thank you and shout out to ashm12351 for helping me in my time of need and writing this chapter and the next one.

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