Chapter 5: Date

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Chapter 5: Date


Once the shock washed over me, I picked my phone back up and called Diana.

"Hey girl!"

"Diana, Andy asked me out on a date."


"Andy and I are going out on a date on Friday."

"That's great!"

"No, no it's not Diana."

"Why not?"

"W-What if we start dating and then we get serious and he wants to meet my parents." I rambled.

"Yeah, what's so bad about that Kayla?"

"Diana! He's an athiest! My strictly religious parents will never accept him!"

"Kayla, calm down. Where is he taking you guys."

"We're going out to dinner then going back to his place to watch movies."

"See! It's just dinner and a movie. Let's not think ahead, all right? If you guys do end up getting serious, I'm sure you'll figure it out when it's time for him to meet your parents."

"Okay, thanks Diana. Maybe you can come over on Friday and help me get ready."

"Ahh! I'll be there!"

"Okay, he's coming to pick me up at seven so, come at six?"

"Great! Bye Kayla!"

"Bye Diana." I said and hung up.


I got out of the shower and got my undergarments on when there was a rapid knock on my door. I pulled on my robe and walked downstairs, opening the door. Diana rushed into my house and pulled me back up the stairs.

"Diana, calm down." I said with a slight chuckle as she pushed me onto the bed.

"This is a big deal Kayla! It's Andy freakin Biersack!"

"I get that Diana."

"Here, wear this, he won't be able to keep his hands off of you." She said, throwing my shortest, tightest black dress at me.

"Diana, you know I'm saving myself for marriage." I said, taking off my robe and slipping the dress on.

"So, you're telling me you'd turn down sex with Andy Biersack?" She asked as she turned on my curling iron.

"If we're not married? Yes. Diana, you know I made a promise to my parents when I turned thirteen." I said, flashing my promise ring.

"Whatever, put these on." She said, throwing my three inch black heels at me. "And come over here so I can do your hair." She said, pointing to the chair in front of my mirror. I slipped the heels on and walked over to her, a little unsteady because I haven't worn heels in so long. I sat down and Diana started brushing through my wet hair, quickly blow drying it and flat ironing it. After my hair was straight, she began to curl it. It took thirty minutes to do my hair which left us about twenty minutes to do my makeup and for Diana to leave before Andy got here.

She ran into my bathroom and grabbed all of my makeup starting with the eyeshadow. She put a light black eyeshdaow on my lids and lined my eyes with black eyeliner. She applied blood red lipstick on my lips and looked at me like I was her latest masterpiece or something. I slipped on a couple black rings and a black necklace with some black bracelets. I put on my favorite pair of black earrings and admired myself in the mirror.

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