And We Set Forth To Our New Daily Lives

Start from the beginning

"Now, now, let's go with the weeding already so we can finish earlier and we can have a delicious meal with some tea. I saw some in the kitchen earlier", I hug Nanami's arm and tug her gently.

" ٩ (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) ﻭ If you won't work, you shall not eat, right?"

"Ahaha, yes you're right Mikoto. Let's do our best!", Nanami agreed.

I faced in the direction of the two spirits, "you two already know what to do, right? You will prepare us some refreshments while we purify the yard", I told them.

"Yes, Mikoto-dono! Nanami-sama!", the two happily obeys.


After a while, Nanami and I were plucking tall grasses on the yard for some time already, and back is starting to ache. I stretched for a moment and I heard a slight crack sound.

" (T▽T) back ~ ", I groaned like a granny. Nanami giggles slightly.

"You're not used to plucking grasses?", she asked me.

"Hell no! Before I came here, I live with Mom in a big con.. I mean apartment so we don't need to maintain the grasses in the garden. There's someone else who will do it, of course. And there's always this thing called lawnmower, you know?

"Hahaha, yes it will be good if they just have a simple lawnmower here", Nanami laughed.

Then we both sighed deeply.

"I wonder why we should do these things, actually?", she asked while pouting.

"Because it's the Land deity's duties!", I replied gleefully.

" (¬_¬ ゙) Not you too, Mikoto"

"Ehehe, sorry." I apologized with a sweatdrop. "But if you're really the new Land deity then it's really your duty to maintain the temple"

"For example, to start purifying the yard, you need to clean all impurity to keep away evil spirits. That's why we cleaned up the dry leaves neatly earlier", I explained what I had somehow understood.

"Oh, I see..", Nanami somehow understands also what I meant.

"Ouch!", I hurt my finger again.

"Careful, are you alright?", she came closer to me and pulled a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped my finger clean before wrapping it with band-aid. My hands are full of bandages already.

"You can't even pull weeds properly. Wow, you two are really useless", a familiar voice said behind us. It's just none other than the rude Tomoe.

"What? I thought you already left", Nanami angrily replied and continued her weeding.

"I don't think you have what it takes to be a land deity...", he said with a smirk.

" rude..", I glared at him angrily then he looked at me too with a slight disgust face.

"...even with the help of your little friend over there", he added to Nanami.

"Humph!", I just went back to my weeding instead of wasting more time on him.

Ignoring me also, Tomoe talked once more at her. "Why don't you two just hurry back home before it's too late?"

"We don't have a home to return to", Nanami replied with an annoyed tone.

"They kicked me out because of my father's debts, then he abandoned me.  Mikoto has her own circumstances too and was left by her godfather also", she explained briefly.

Tomoe was quiet for some minute as he stared softly at Nanami as if he was feeling a bit of pity on her. The wind blows gently making the scene looks heart-warming.

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