And We Set Forth To Our New Daily Lives

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Onikiri and Kotetsu guided us to our rooms. While lying down, I can't stop thinking about whether what happened today was just a dream or not.

I'm afraid that when I woke, I'm back in my own bedroom and I'm not Mikoto anymore. But eventually, my eyes felt tired and I slowly fall asleep.


The next morning, I got woke up early as usual when I'm going to school.


"I had a good night's sleep. I feel like I had a lot of dreams..."

" Σ(°△°|||)︴ UWAH! Where am I? "

I was shocked when I saw my unfamiliar surroundings. I hurriedly sat up and looked around before I remembered...

...Yep, I'm actually in an anime world.

" (¯∇¯٥) Ahaha.. I almost forgot about it"

Who would have believed such events really exists.

"Onikiri? Kotetsu? ", I called the attention of the shrine's spirits to ask for help since I'm sure they're just in Nanami's room.

The door slid open gently as I felt their presence came closer to me.

"Yes, Mikoto-dono. How can we help you? They cheerfully greeted me.

"Erm, first, just call me Mikoto. I'm not comfortable with the -dono honorifics"

"But we're just the will-o'-wisps that serves this shrine..", Onikiri said.

"..while Mikoto-dono is Nanami-sama's friend", added by Kotetsu.

"Mikoto-dono can also be Nanami-sama's priestess if you like", chorused the two.

"Priestess? ( •́ _ •̀)?", I repeated.

Come to think of it, Mikage-sama said something like that too.

"Yes, Mikoto-dono", the spirits beamed.

"Like we said yesterday, you seem to have a gift of spiritual powers", Kotetsu explained to me.

"Even though it's just very vague, but you just need some practice", Onikiri continued.

As I'm aware, maybe it's also Mikage-sama who's behind this "spiritual powers" they're talking about.

"But first, I think we need Tomoe's opinion", I told them. "..since Nanami and I don't have any ideas what to do in this temple."

"For now, help me with something. I don't have any extra clothes with me and I also need to prepare food for Nanami and I. Then you two can go back to Nanami's side before she woke up", I ordered the fire spirits and they gladly obeyed me.

Onikiri brought me a set of plain traditional Japanese clothes and also helped me in wearing it since I don't have any experience wearing any of these kinds of clothes.

When I reached the kitchen, Kotetsu already brought some vegetables on the table and prepared some woods for the cooking.

"Hey, wait! I don't know how to cook using woods!", I told Kotetsu since I was raised in a modern-day life where we cook using an electric stove.

I think it's already surprising to see the daughter of a rich woman who could cook despite we can just hire some maids. I thank Mom that she raised me how to be independent.

"It's not a problem", Kotetsu said and a fire was lit on the woods stuck inside the stove made of stones.

" ( ̄▽ ̄ ٥)ゞ but I guess we would still need a proper stove next time", I thought while scratching my head in disbelief.

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