Chapter Two: The Beginning And The End

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Arcana's POV

The choice was hers to make, she chose to leave in that moment of the heated conversation between her and Sedge. What else was she supposed to do? Talking was getting them nowhere and she just felt like it was a lost cause…. She didn't mean for this to happen…

She tried to distract herself from the voices telling her that she made a mistake and that she should go back to the one she was in love with, but she refused and kept running. She wasn't sure when she had become so comfortable in this form or in this universe, there was just something about it that felt so welcoming and calming. She had come looking for Sedge and ended up leaving Copper, so now she was just running from nothing and everything.

She stood out against the stark white snow. Her speckled brown fur not helping, and the unnatural purple made her seem way out of place from the normal animals. Something was wrong, very wrong. Even in the wintery wonderland she was bolting through, she was burning up. Everywhere was on fire, but mostly.. down there.. Everything in this universe was new to her. Even the snow and trees are different, and now this. Was something wrong with her? Maybe she should go back to Sedge… No.. He doesn't want her, he's made that clear. He doesn't care about her. Yet she can't help but feel love for him.

The terrain soon changes to that of a overgrown forest. Bushes and plants growing out into the trails that other animals have walked for centuries. She trips over a rock hitting the ground with a thump and sniffles, smelling something. Barbecue..?

“SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!” She quickly shoves her paw into a small snow pile that remained and looks down at the damned rock. “I remember you devil rock.” She learned last time she was here that certain rocks can light things on fire, but she wasn't sure how to use them and tripping doesn't seem like the right way. She gets up and starts walking again. Slower this time, not sure where she was. In front of her was a small pond, compared to what she normally knows. Her fox ears twitch as she sits down, rocking back and forth softly trying to ease the burning heat while tears run down her face dampening the fur there.

Authors' notes

Second chapter up, we had to move things around a bit but it should be okay now. - Moon

Edited by co-author : SiberianSpirit

Forbidden Family Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora