Chapter One: Sent Scouting

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Raths POV

"Here, and here. Then I want you to check our cashes again, and see if they've been found."

Rath stands in the corner of the tent listening carefully to his commander giving orders. It was the beginning of recon missions in a universe called UnderSedge, and Rath hates recon.

"I want Skylar in the Waterfall Pack, Tash in the Hotlands Pack, and Rath in Snowdin Pack."

Rath scowls, "You want me to scout by myself?"

Warden looks up from the table in the center of the tent, and takes his hand of the maps. "Is there a problem Rathal? We are short on our normal scouts, so you'll have to make do."

Rath starts to feel a pulsing between his eyes as a magic headache forms and he forces himself not to snap. "No problem."

Warden smiles shallowly, "Wonderful. Now everyone go. I want you back by 3 hours before sundown."

"Yes Sir." Everyone answers, then leaves the tent. Rath along with them.

"Hey Brother." Tash walks up to him once they had walked a fair distance away from the tent and everyone else. "I'll come check on you after I'm done in Hotlands Pack alright?"

Rath grumbles in response, pulling a smooth stone out of his pants pocket. "Whatever you want. Try not to die."

His grip tightens on the stone as he walks farther away from Tash, and he thinks of UnderSedge. He's been there before. It's a universe with beautiful forests and rivers and mountains. Too bad it's filled with halfbloods..

Then Rath feels magic surge through his body, and suddenly he's somewhere completely different.. and with four paws. He sighs, "Here we go.."

Rath's magic headache completely vanishes now that he's in the middle of a forest with no one around. He immediately starts walking. You can't stay in one spot for very long without being caught by the wolf scouts. His scent was another problem, but he figured he was so far into the forest that no one would find it for a while.

His paws stung from walking in the snow so suddenly, but he ignored it. He was already pissed as it is. His ears twitch, listening to the wind in the trees and the birds sing. It was peaceful here.. almost calming if he forgets that he was sent scouting and that he's walking with four legs. Rath grumbles, "Force me to go on recon by myself.. They're all so stupid.. I can't believe this. New body, new sounds, new-" He sniffs the air. "Smells..?" Distracted, he walks straight into a tree.

"Fuck!" He huffs and sits down. "Fine. I'll just take a break here then. Agh.. I hate being blind."

Authors Notes

Oh.. well uh.. Edited by SiberianSpirit. Check out my profile for more background on Sedge and his universe - Polar

The first chapter of this story don't worry we have more and are currently in a writing fever. - Moon

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