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I sit in my office and lean in my chair, rubbing my temples. My mind can't concentrate on the shit ton of work in front of me because I'm too worried about Saje with Harry.

What if his hands were touching her body? What if he made Saje feel a way that I couldn't do? What if his lips are on her neck making her moan his name? I couldn't continue thinking of the possibilities without getting upset.

"Mr. Mendes?" I'm interrupted out my thoughts and look up at the brunette, she's looking down at my hand. I look down and see my nails were pressed into my hand, leaving crescents filled with blood.

I clear my throat and stand up, grabbing a tissue. "Yes hun?" I start dabbing on the minor wound.

"Anna is here. She said it's urgent."

Sighing, I nod letting her know to let Anna up. I grab two band aids and place them on the fleshed wound. I lean against my desk waiting on her arrival. The sound of heels causes me to look up at the dark haired latino. Her lips quirks up into a smirk as she stares at me.

"Hello Shawn." Anna walks towards me and throws her arms around my neck, I hug back. "Anna. How are you?"

"I've been fine. I decided to stop by since I'm in town." She says letting her finger tips trace my tie, she looks up at me seductively. "How's your family?"

"They're good. Daddy just brought another building to expand his company and I'll be the CEO." She tells me clearly not wanting to talk about that.

Anna Cabello was the daughter of Collin Cabello who did big fundraiser and charities for kids in need. We all knew each other because we was in the business field and my dad and Anna's dad were great friends. Anna and I use to mess around before she moved to California. Now she's here trying to fuck.

"That's good. Congratulations." I push her hands off me and walk around my desk, sitting down. She looks at me dumbfounded and flips her hair. "You don't miss me? It's been two years."

"A lot can happen in two years Anna. I told you before you left we were done with—this." I motion between us with my finger, she rolls her eyes and plops down on the chair. "I have had sex with countless of dudes in two years but none of them can do it like you."

"Thanks for letting me know." I say grabbing some papers and looking over them. Most of them were letters from other business asking to become shareholders. "You're serious? You can't be." She laughs and stands back up.

"I'm serious. In our contract, it stated not to catch feelings. You caught them and now it's over." I shrug leaning back in my seat. "It's not easy to not fall in love with someone who gives them pleasure and ecstasy. Fuck that contract."

"You shouldn't have agreed." I tell her. My eyes wander onto my flashing phone, it says Saje. I answer it. "Yes Saje?"

"I figured you wanted to head out early so I'm not going to class." I feel Anna glaring at me as I stand up, collecting my things. "Alright. I'm on my way."

"That's what it is? You have another submissive?" She chuckles throwing her head back. She walks up to me and pulls me by my tie, I look in her eyes. By the looks of it, Anna was already feeling weak just by me looking at her. I chuckle and kiss her forehead after removing her hands. "We had our fun. Now if you'll excuse me I have somewhere to be."

Anna snatches her purse from the chair and saunters towards the door. "I'll be back Shawn and you will realize I'm the best you ever had."

I shrug with my hands in my pants. "Baby I'm positive it's the other way around. I was the best you ever had. Goodbye Anna." She pulls open the door and storms out.

I shake my head and send Winston a quick text telling him I'm ready. I make sure I have everything I need and head out.

I step out to grab the suitcase out her hand and give it to Winston. She thanks us and climbs in, I follow behind her. She sits up straight with her hands in her lap. Her hair is wild and out, I liked it.

"Could you at least say hi before eye raping me?" She's now facing me and I look up in her eyes, smiling. "How are you Saje?"

"I would feel even better if you told me where we are going and why."

"What did I tell you about surprises, hun? Relax and trust me." I tell her. She rolls her eyes and I grab her chin, forcing her to look at me. "I've let you slide enough but now it's fucking with me. Quit rolling your eyes. Understand?"

Her eyes wide, she nods. I let her face go and pull out my phone. It would take us twenty minutes to get to my jet so I decided to kill some work.


"Let's go."

I follow Shawn as we walk up to his cream colored jet. It was just as beautiful as his penthouse. I watch the guards let the stairs down and Shawn motions me to get on. I walk up the stairs and enter the brown interior. My hands travel down the leather seats and gold linings.

"This is...gorgeous Shawn." I tell him as I continue touring the jet. He chuckles lightly and goes back to his phone. "Alright, they're done boarding. Sit down and put your seat belt on."

I sit in the middle and grab the seat belt, snapping it over my body. I hook some hair behind my ear and watch Shawn sit down in front of me but he doesn't put his belt on.

"If I have to put mine on so should you."

His eyes slowly moves from his screen, his left eyebrow slightly raised, he reluctantly pulls on his belt and snaps it. I put my phone on airplane mode so no one would bother me. My attention goes out the window, watching us go higher in the sky.

"What happened to your hand?" I couldn't help but notice to two band aids. He looks down at them and shakes his head. "Accident from cutting something last night. I wasn't paying attention."

I knew he was lying but I didn't wanna argue. Instead I plugged my headphones into my ear and let my ears become flooded with music while Shawn worked. I hoped this trip was fun and not some business trip for him because I needed this.

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