Chapter 10

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     After school I got home and started up the stairs to my room, but was stopped by my mom. "How was school?" She asked.

     "It was ok," I replied.

     "How are your classes going?"

     "Their doing ok too." Where was this going? She usually doesn't keep things short and simple. But since, she doesn't seem to be in an awful mood, I suppose this would be the perfect time to ask. "Would it be alright if I stay out later tomorrow? I have a partner project that I need to get started on."

     She cocked an eyebrow. "A partner project? What is your partners name?"


     Should I tell her? But if I told her that my partner is a boy, she will probably not let me go alone, and she'll insist on meeting him to see if anything is going on between us. Since she knows that I have despised every guy that they had me meet. Though, of course, I have no intentions of being in a relationship with anyone, including Kazuto. But I don't want to risk telling her about him.

     "Her name is Rika. She's in my first period. She has lend me her notes so I could know what they have been learning so far," I heard myself say.

     Did I seriously just lie to my mom over a boy? What am I thinking?

      "I'd like to meet her soon, she sounds nice."

     Yes, that's why I lied. I really don't want them to meet him. There would be too many problems if that were to happen. Especially if they question why I befriended a boy all of a sudden.

     "I'll see what I can do," I smiled. "I have a few homework assignments that I have to do, so I'm going to head to my room."

     "Alright. Remember, dinner is at five."

     As I finished with what homework I had, I took out Kazuto's number and looked at it. Is this really a good idea? Once he has my number, he can have it as long as he wants, even when we are finished with the project. Do I really want to risk it? To risk him talking and spreading things?

     But he promised he wouldn't.

     But when has that ever stopped someone before?

     No, I can change my number if something happens. So everything will be ok.

     I took out my phone and registered his number.

     Asuna: Hi, this is Asuna. I hit send and waited. I hope this isn't a prank number. That would be embarrassing.

     As I waited, I talked a bit with Kaori and Aiko in our group chat. I didn't mention my current situation because I'm scared that Aiko would tease me, and I don't want to be more anxious around Kazuto.

     I'd rather not put myself through that, and not have to think about relationships. I'll most likely wait until college or afterwards. By then, maybe someone will truly care about me, and I will do the same.

     My phone vibrated against my hand, thinking it was the group chat, and once I checked to see, it was Kazuto instead.

     Kazuto: Yo

     I replied of course, telling him things were set for tomorrow, and asked if he wanted me to bring anything. All he said was the usual materials for projects. Luckily I always have stacks of binder paper, ready at any given moment.

Trust & Regret (Asuna and Kazuto Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora