Chapter 1

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HEWWO~ I'm back with writing finally~

Short for chapter 1, but please enjoy

Unknown P.O.V

     My fingers ached with every type I took on the keyboard, all the while trying to fight against passing out and messing up my progress this far. I've been at it for six hours now, and it seems like I'm not getting any closer to breaking the firewall. It shouldn't take this long, but then again, I'm not in the right mind right now, or have been for a while. Being forced awake and work on the computer almost all and every day is a hassle, but it is better than having everything taken away from me.

     Even in the small dark room, where only a computer screen is my source of light, I could still make out what was in the room. A small neatly placed cot laid in a corner at my right, which showed no wrinkles or indents, and piles of crumpled paper and broken hard wares splayed all around the room. Not much going on.

      Another block came up on the screen and I gritted my teeth together. Dammit, why can't I just get through this already! I really hope after this I can rest a bit before I get into another one.

      Moving my hands through my messy raven hair, I took a deep breath, and took this opportunity to quickly stretch my back before leaning into the computer again and hearing the door click open.

      "Hey kid, you almost done yet? You've been at it almost all day now, and we got more projects for you," my over seer Dai said to me.

     He was a well-groomed man for a twenty-four-year-old, but also had a bad habit of smoking cigarettes no matter where he was. His silver-brown hair was always pushed back, and never reached past the middle of his neck, and he rarely kept a stubble on his face. For the type of guy he is, I'm surprised he puts so much into his appearance.

     "I should be," I answered him, but he kept looking at me. "H-However, this firewall is kicking my butt." I laughed.

     "Your hopeless kid, watch out."

      He pushed my rolling chair out of the way, and chuckled, "This is a piece of cake."

     With ease, he typed way faster than I had anticipated, and hummed as he did so. I even began questioning why he told me to do it, when he could do it all by himself. But then again, I would lose everything if I don't do it, regardless if he is also good at it or not.

     Finishing the last part, he pressed enter and stood up perfectly content. "There you go. I hope you can finish the job now."

     "Thanks, Dai." I said as I slid the chair in its rightful place.

     "Now, to tell you the next few weeks plan," He took out a cigarette and lit it. "We are doing our normal routine of course, but we are going bigger and bolder."

     Before I started to type again, I paused. "What do you mean, bigger and bolder?"

     He chuckled and took a drag. "We are going after the infamous Yuuki household funds, kid. The husband in the family, was a CEO for some company before he retired, but now they just own a local bank. Also knowing the wife, she wants the best for her kids, so of course we know that they spend a lot into their academics and future. They may as well put a sign on their face saying they owe literally everybody they meet."

     A puff of smoke came out of his mouth as he laughed at his own comment, and it went straight into my face, causing me to cough in protest and squint my eyes.

     "Any questions?" He asked me.

     "N-No. None," I quickly said feeling a bit uneasy.

     "Then I'll be on my way," he smirked and bowed slightly.

     He started to make his way out of the dim room, but before he could exit, I called out to him. He turned his head to the side and took another drag.

     "What, kid. You need something?"

     "I-I...umm," I gulped. I want to stop. But do I? To stop everything, and create a fragile barrier that can't save me?


     "Come on kid, I don't have all day," He grumbled and puffed another cloud of smoke. "I got a call from Shuichi, and everyone knows that he hates it when people are late."

     No. I don't. I need to stay.

     Changing my mind, I shook my hand in the air. "Nah, never mind. It's not important."

     He snickered and shook his head of disapproval, and left the room, leaving me once again, in charge of taking care of the burden.

     Come on, this is better than any other option. If it wasn't this way, I would be the one suffering right now. That's all I need to focus on right now; to keep myself safe.

     I placed my finger tips on the keyboard once again, however, instead of typing my life away, I just, let them sit there. Not that I suddenly changed my mind and wanted to walk out of it, but because something felt off. Like I was maybe missing something, but that couldn't be it. I couldn't be missing anything. Well, perhaps a nap and a nice-looking sandwich, but other than that, nothing.

     Before I realized it, I snickered at myself. Maybe I'm going stir crazy. Being here for many hours, while also going to school. Not having a real social life, or having an actual meaningful conversation with my family. It didn't bother me though. I was always that computer nerd that didn't have many friends to begin with, and I don't even live with my parents. I lived with my aunt and cousin, and they mainly leave me alone. So, what's the point? They have their problems, and I have mine. I will take care of myself and no one else.

Trust & Regret (Asuna and Kazuto Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant