Chapter 5

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     "We're moving?" I blinked.

     What on earth is happening? My parents have good jobs, and a simple business gone wrong isn't going to affect us that bad. Especially since it hadn't been finished.

     Once again, they looked at each other, my dad's expression showing defeat, while my mom carried her usual RBF. It seemed as if she didn't care, but deep down I knew she hated it. She never liked middle class people, and possibly the thought of moving, wherever we are moving, was boiling up inside her.

     "Yes, we are. We don't have a choice. Unfortunately, we don't have the funds to continue our business," my dad solemnly said.

      "But, that doesn't mean that you can't get into college. We decided to move so we could still get you into one. Education comes before any projects that parents make," My mom eyed my dad when she spoke.

      Even though my parents force me into things I do not approve of, it's still nice to see that they do care for my wellbeing.

      "So, where are we moving to?" I asked.

     I hope it's not far, so I can still go to school with Aiko and Kaori. They would be devastated if I had to move far away and never see them again, and to only talk over the phone.


     "W-What? Please say you're not serious. We can't- "

     "There's a nice house there, not that different from this one. The thing is, it's in an average neighborhood," My mom explains.

     "But, I can't just leave my friends- "

     "You'll make new ones at the new school. Ones that are impulsive and childish. I even heard that the students there do better than all the other schools nearby."

     I can't believe this. I'm leaving the house I grew up in, and my only friends to go to a new school with strangers. My parents once again don't care about what I want.

     Good intentions, bad actions.

     "I don't want to leave." I heard myself say out loud.

      "Honey, I know this is going to be difficult for you, but this is the only choice we have. If we stay in this house, you can't go to college. In the new one, you can. We are doing this for you," my dad said, trying to assure me.

     I felt my phone vibrate next to my hand, and my chest ached. My friends...yes, they have their flaws, but I don't want to leave them. They helped me out with almost everything and I'm going to end up leaving them behind.

     I want to curl up and sleep to forget that any of this happened. To wash away today and that it would never happen. But of course, this isn't a fairytale, this is reality.

     I felt a warm hand touch my knee. When I looked up my father smiled at me. "Everything is going to be fine Asuna. You will be fine. You're smart, just like your mother."

     My mom gave him a look, and I restrained myself from laughing.

     "When will we leave?"

     "After tomorrow, so we have time to pack, and you have a chance to your goodbyes."

     "Thank you."

     After they left I laid on my bed once more, ignoring my phone and everything else. I stared at the ceiling, letting myself feel tired. I should talk to them. To let know what is happening and that I will see them one more time before I leave.

Trust & Regret (Asuna and Kazuto Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora