22 - The Avox Nesting Grounds

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Zelda read disgust on the faces of the guards.

"Will my friends be joining us for dinner this evening?"

"I'm afraid not. You'll be dining with members of the high council. Your...friends have other dinner accommodations."

Zelda nodded in indifference. Her royal training kicked in. React to nothing. Show nothing. Feelings are for commoners. There was no one there to help her, to guide her, to save her. She did what she could to keep Mr. Peanut talking.

"Will Lord Crackers be joining us tonight for dinner?"

Mr. Peanut's feathers quivered. "Again, I'm afraid not, Princess. He sends his regards, but Lord Crackers will be otherwise engaged."

"Hmm. That's too bad. There were certain things I wanted to ask him. Pity."

"Oh—like what...if you don't mind my inquiring?"

"Oh, just matters of state. I'm sure you wouldn't understand."

The ambassador's feathers ruffled again and Zelda watched him swallow his anger. "I'm sure, if your highness provide me with the information, I will do my best to convey your concerns to Lord Crackers. In this way he might be better prepared to answer your queries."

Zelda thought about it and then nodded her approval as if the whole matter was beneath her. "My first questions was in regards to the guide we were promised on our quest. A guide never showed up at the designated meeting place and we were left without one for our journey, resulting in several deaths that may have been avoided."

Mr. Peanut nodded along with her points, waiting for his turn to speak. "Yes, yes, yes. I can actually shed some light on that matter. There was some confusion after we learned your brother was no longer embarking on your father's quest. We assumed that meant the quest was no longer taking place so we canceled the order for the guide. Never in a million years did we believe you would attempt to cross the kingdom on your own."

The guards squawked with laughter. Zelda stared them down until they ceased.

"Next inquiry," Zelda continued. "The Arachnites claim they've been taxed multiple times per year...and yet our kingdom has not received any additional monies so I'm wondering how Lord Crackers would explain this accusation."

Mr. Peanut cleared his throat. "Princess, you must understand the Arachnites are primitive beings. They do not have the same reference of time as the rest of us—"

"And yet I'm sure they have the same reference of wealth and how much they've given and how much you've taken. As primitive as you may find them, I'm sure they know how to count. I wonder if the Avox can say the same."

Mr. Peanut's smile did not waver. "Well—I will be sure to pass your concerns along to Lord Crackers. I'm sure by this evening we can put any unpleasantness behind us. Speaking of which, you must excuse me. I have preparations for tonight's dinner to see to."

He bowed respectfully and then motioned for the guards to follow him out.

"Would it be possible to organize a tour of your fine village at some point today?" Zelda asked. "I would love to have a look around and speak with your people seeing as I am so rarely out this far from the castle."

Mr. Peanut froze. He answered without turning around. "I'm afraid that won't be possible. Right now everyone is preparing for tonight's celebration. Best to stay here and rest up from your journey."

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