10 - The Ogre's Back

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The Fellowship (now barely clinging to double digits) rode through the night. The full moon offered some light, but Quitch made a makeshift torch to light the road at the front of the pack. No other light sources were used for fear of attracting too much attention. Even though traveling at night was dangerous, Zelda insisted they continue until they were far, far away from the Wood Elves' territory. Besides, they had few supplies left so setting up camp was pointless anyway since there was no camp to set.

The morale of the party was scraping the bottom of the barrel, especially after leaving the Wood Elves' territory short two Red Shirts. It didn't help that the journey was slow with the horses doubled up and exhausted after the shortened rest period. No one spoke. Stormy's songs fell silent. The only sound was the constant wheezing from Sir Melthiar. He trailed behind everyone else on his own horse, wheezing and gasping for breath. The moonlight reflected off the blood on his lips.

Zelda rode in front with Sheena behind her holding Quitch's torch. Zelda peered deep and hard into the forest silently praying the horse would warn her of any trouble on the road. Eventually Oron rode up beside her. Mo lay draped over the back of the horse fast asleep.

"We should stop," he said. "Your man, Melthiar, is a soddin' mess, and those 'ittle wooden midgets ain't 'xactly known for their speed."

"Now you care about his well-being? You didn't seem to care about either of us when you and your goat friend were leaving us behind in a burning building after we risked out lives to save yours."

"Oh—that. Figured you'd be over that little 'ole thing by now."

"It just happened!"

"Yes, well, there's a reason I lasted as long as I 'ave on the road and it ain't from being no hero. The reality out here is you betta be lookin' out for your own true self or you'll end up as another casualty of the road."

"I'll remember that the next time you're about to be split down the middle, you gutless pig!" Sheena ran her hand down Zelda's back and began to play with her hair. It seemed to calm the Princess down. "I'm sorry. It's just—Q'Paxus. What he said about my father. He had such hate in his heart. He tried to kill me! Me! Princes Zelda Dragonwalk!"

Oron chuckled and that only raised her ire once again. "You really are sheltered, ain't you Princess? You 'ave no idea how despised you and your family are throughout the realm, do ya?"

"That's not true. My family is loved throughout the land."

"You're loved by those who live in the Marble Heartbeat and maybe tolerated by the sorry sods in Mud Town since they're protected by the King's army. Have you ever wondered why all the human tribes are so close to the castle and everyone else is thrust into the wilderness? The Wood Elves make due being your father's slaves and everyone else exists solely to be taxed and buggered by you and your family."


"Very true. Did you stop to wonder why anyone would be grateful for your family's rule? You've allowed the highway to go to pot. You've segregated and oppressed the outer tribes. You've executed your own people. You dine on swans while the kingdom burns around you—"


Her voice echoed in the darkness, waking Mo and sending him tumbling off the back of the horse. Oron laughed at his friend's misfortune and then turned his laughter to the Princess.

"You've woken from a dream, 'aven't you, Princess? And the reality you've woken to ain't nearly as lovely as the dream. Trust me; I been there. No worries. By tomorrow afternoon, we'll arrive at Grog the Destroyer's lair and none of it will matter because we'll all be very, very dead."

The Dragonwalk Highway: The Fellowship of ThirteenWhere stories live. Discover now