*The Five Gone, A Story Begins* Part 1

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Being small is hard. Being a child for me was harder. Being a fragile child was hardest. My body was smaller than other children and I had an eye and hair color disorderment. To everyone I was a disappointment, to my peers, to my family and to simple strangers as well. The only solace and comfort I had was at a family diner. Others called it creepy, some called it old and I called it my happy place. Every day I would go to the place, watch the shows and talk with these five other kids. They were the only ones, The only ones who made me feel wanted, Loved and safe. Sure they were almost all guys but, they were my friends and they saved me. They saved me from falling into darkness, locking up my heart and living my life on auto-pilot. The best part was they did it without trying.

Today it was Chloe's Birthday and of course like everyday we went to FredBear's family diner. She is the only other girl in the group and is turning seven today. Soon, in a couple months I will be joining everyone since i'm 6 and am the youngest out of everyone. Skipping down the sidewalk, gift in hand and fancy party dress swaying in the wind I finally got to FredBear's. It was about an hour before Chloe would arrive and The others and I started getting things ready and set up. For some reason we hid and surprised Chloe when she got here.

We all were having a wonderful time until Gregory and Fredrick's older brother started teasing Gregory. He was under the table crying because he was scared of what his brother told him about FredBear and SpringBonnie. He was just teasing him but Gregory is truly scared. Fredrick came up to me and looked down at my face with a worried expression. "Hey Ama?". "Yeah, what is it?". "Look I know you are younger than all of us but, Gregory might listen to you if you try to help. So, can you try to talk to him?". I nodded my head and walked over to Gregory. I sat down under the table next to him and spoke.

"Gregory, I know your scared but, can you try to stop crying so I can talk to you?". He rubbed his eyes while nodding his head to me. "Y-yeah, W-what d-do you w-want to talk a-about?". I then hugged him. His tears stopped, eyes widened and his breath was back to normal. I felt him hug back and then I whispered in his ear still hugging him. "It's okay, You don't have to be afraid, Your not alone". His grip tightened on me and his voice whispered back. "Thanks Amaru, I needed to hear that". He let go and back a little bit away to reveal a smile on his face, his light brown hair slightly covering his right eye.

Suddenly four pairs of arms picked him up. I ran from underneath the table trying to help the struggling boy. Fredrick, Chloe, Alexander and Robert were yelling, telling me stop going because I was getting too close to the stage and telling the teens to put him him down. The worst part was that the teens were his older brother and his older brother's friends. We were getting closer and closer to the stage. Gregory struggling more now and has started screaming for them to let him go. His older brother however, just started yelling as well.

"HEY! DON'T YOU THINK HE WANTS TO GIVE FREDBEAR A KISS!". There was shouts of no from employees trying to stop it as they got closer and closer. As they got closer I did as well, I was now next to the stage while Gregory was struggling in Fredbear's mouth. I was terrified and started trying to calm him down so the jaw on the bot would not collapse on his head. He stopped before the jaw was about to collapse and looked down at my tear-stained face with a small smile. "I Will Always Be Your Friend".

A loud crunch echoed throughout the room. Everything and everyone went quiet. All you could hear was the cries of The others and I, along with the regret-filled words of the older brother when he realized it was his fault. All I saw was his limp body in FredBear's mouth with trails of blood dripping down the robot bear's mouth and body. There was sirens and warm embraces around me. Because I was near the stage there was little splotches of blood on my dress. Fredrick being his twin was sad but knew that Gregory wouldn't want anyone of us to be sad so he came and comforted me holding back his tears. "Don't worry, We are here for you".

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