"And, we want y'all to go all out,we want yo top artists, top models the whole 9 yards."

"Okay, Soo , you know we charge by hour...if we promote your party, that requires flyers, online promoting, and of course cost and supplies.... the total party package is about a good $5,000. and that's a discount because I know y'all."

" Damn, $5K?"

"I usually charge a good $10K for international parties....lucky I like y'all"

"So the party is in 3 weeks from yesterday."

"Alright, and may I suggest you go into business with me, I endorse all celebrities..... My company also as a line of T-Shirts, towels and different sorts of ink."

"Damn, Maybe for the next party...but for now we'll stick with the 10K.."

"Alright, meet with Rachel at the front desk, to confirm your next appointment, Thank you for your business."

"Ight Mo, see you tonight at Ty's house.."

"Bye Chris...bye Ty.."

"Soo, this is what you do?"

"Yup, I own business... this is what I do all day."

Rachel walked in, "Excuse me Morgan..but your 11 appointment canceled, they need you at the art studio tho....they said someone is there to see you."

My Brother AugustWhere stories live. Discover now