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August POV

I knew Mo, was too stubborn to talk to me...just like Mel used to be. See, her and Mel are 8 months apart, her and Mel were the closest. Believe it or not, Mo and I's relationship wasn't always like this. We used to be really close... I mean we were all close in age and we liked all the same things, we all were born on the 3rd; Mel was born March 3rd, Mo was born November 3rd, and 2 years later I was born September 3rd... The bond slowly started to fade when I was about 12 years old... Our dad was strung out real bad, he later died...which meant Mel being the oldest had to help out. Being the man of the house at 14 , no job...ain't have a choice but to slang dope.... my mom on the other hand wasn't having that, she made him stop, she wanted us to focus on school, Mo was that smart type of chick,but she was also in the streets, she slung dope with the rest of us, but later she stopped, when she got offered a scholarship out the country to some college in Paris. She turned it down,because of us.. Mel made us both stop slangin, he didn't want us on the streets the rest of our lives... I wasn't havin that, I dropped out of school at 14 and started slangin full time, mom wasn't too happy bout that, and that's why she put so much stock into Mo and her education. The day Mel died ...August the 31st, not a day that goes by... I remember it like it was yesterday..... Mel always told me "Never be no man made niggah, only self made niggas make it somewhere in life.. Always remember, Slangin will only get you so far, you gotta let it go sometime, you'll either end up dead or halfway gotta make it out of NOLA for ma and Mo."

My Brother AugustWhere stories live. Discover now