Chapter 26

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I walked in the office, and felt like there was something off about the atmosphere. "Good morning everyone." Everyone looked at me with a sad look on their faces. "What's going on?" Kim walked up to me, and pulled me into her office, closing the door behind us. "Lainey, I'm so sorry." I raised an eyebrow. "Kim, what the hell is going on?" She turned her laptop towards me. A video of Greyson and....Nima appeared on the screen. "The new security team picked this up from the cameras." A tear fell out of my eye. "When was this..." She closed the screen. "Last night.." I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. I opened my eyes, and looked to Kim. "Thanks Kimmy." I opened the door, and walked out, and down to my office. Nima stood there getting my work for the day prepared. I walked up behind her, quietly. She turned around and jumped, frightened. "Mrs Kennmore, I-I didn't know you we------------." I cut her off by punching her in the nose. I felt it crunch under my knuckles. She let out an ear piercing scream. "What the hell's going on here?" I turned around slowly, facing my husband . I had a murderous look on my face. "I hope it was worth it," I snatched my ring off of my finger and threw it at him. "I want a divorce." I walked out of the office, and down to the elevator. I pressed the button and decided to take the stairs. I ran down the stairs and to the parking garage. I got in the car, and sped off. Tears streamed down my face as I sped home. 4 years. 4 years of marriage. 5 children. Was that not enough for him!? I almost died giving birth to his daughters! WAS THAT NOT ENOUGH!? I stopped the car, and hit the steering wheel.

I got out, and ran in the house. I slammed the door, and ran up to our room, packing my bags. "Alaina, please let me explain!" I whipped my head around. "Explain what!? How you lied to me!? How you not only cheated on your WIFE but you cheated on your family as well!" I turned and continued packing my bags. "Alaina don't go." I picked up my bags, and faced him. "Tell me this, were you ever going to tell me?" He stayed silent. "I thought so." I pushed past him, and went down the stairs. I stopped in front of our family picture. I knocked it on the floor watching the glass break. "You've ruined this family Greyson Vincenzo- Kennmore." I walked out of the house, never looking back.



No one knew where she was, not even my mother. We all sat around, waiting for an answer. I'm the top Mafia leader and I couldn't even find where my wife went. "Maybe she doesn't want to be found Greyson have you thought about that? You drove her away by sleeping with that whore!" Mom laid her head in her hands. This is my fault. If I hadn't of cheated, she wouldn't be missing. Aylina and Gianna cried in Carina's arms. It hurt me to see all of my girls hurt. My mother, sisters, daughters, more importantly my wife. The woman I was supposed to protect with my life. I stood from the couch, and walked out of the room. I wasn't supposed to be like this! I wasn't supposed to go back to my old ways! I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, and instantly got angry again. I choked her against the wall. "Do not ever touch me again." She tried fighting me off of her, but I was stronger. "Let her go Grey." My father tried loosening my grip, but it only got tighter.

"Alaina would not want to see you like this when she comes back home." I turned my head towards him. "She's not coming home, she left me. She left US." I dropped Nima, and looked down on her as she struggled to catch her breath.

"Get. Out." She scrambled up, and ran out of the room. I punched the wall, and grabbed my hair in frustration. Where the hell is she! "Son, she'll come back. She has to.." Let's hope for everyone's sake she does." He walked away, leaving me to my thoughts.

  "Alaina, please let me explain!" She whipped her head around. "Explain what!? How you lied to me!? How you not only cheated on your WIFE but you cheated on your family as well!"  

  "You've ruined this family Greyson Vincenzo- Kennmore." 

You've ruined this family.

You've ruined your family.

I walked back out to everyone else. "Mom, I need you to pick the boys up and bring them back here. I'm not resting until she's back home."  I walked out of the house and to my car. I have to find her. I NEED to find her.


6 hours later

It's like she's gone without a trace. No one has seen or heard from her. What am I going to tell the kids? Daddy cheated on mommy so mommy left? Oh yeah that's very smart Greyson. My phone rang in my pocket. "Alaina?"

"No, have you heard anything?" I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "No, has Kim? You know they're best friends."

"She said she hasn't, we're all worried here Greyson, you need to get back here and comfort your kids, let us take care of this right now." I turned around, and headed back towards the safe house. "I'm on my way."

Please be okay Alaina..

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