Chapter 1

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I sat in my desk, trying to pay attention to Mr. Cowl, History wasn't really my best subject but I do try. About 10minutes from now would be lunch, I normally don't eat school lunch because it's just gross. The only reason I'm excited for it was because I get to sit, talk, and relax, with my best friend, Toby Rodgers.

I met him in first grade, he did seem pretty nervous when he first transferred here from some school he doesn't like to talk about. Other kids would make fun of him, like he was some retard or something. I didn't think he was a retard, he was pretty smart honestly. He was more of a loner. Everyday, he would be teased, bullied, or pushed around. Toby seemed not to mind at all. Whenever he was punched, or kicked, he didn't flinch. I thought it was strange for a first grader to not cry about it, but he seemed tougher than that.

The bell rang, and everybody stood up to go to lunch. The only thing I would get for lunch is an apple, it wasn't much but at least it was better than the school lunch itself. As I walked through the hallway, I saw Toby, wearing the same hoodie and blue jeans he always wore. He was quite attractive... Not like I have a crush on him or anything...

I slowly walked beside Toby and nudged him so he would notice me. "Hey." He greeted me with a fresh smile.

I smiled back at him and nodded. "I wonder what kind of despicable food they're serving today." He chuckled.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want to know." I agreed.

"Can't believe people actually eat that junk." Toby shrugged.

He did have a point, how could everyone eat their food? It was just too gross to even think about.

I held a apple in my hand as I walked beside Toby to find somewhere to sit. He looked pretty nervous. I playfully nudged him, and he smiled to me. "Ticci Toby!" Called a group of kids sitting at a table.

Ticci Toby. That's what everyone called him ever since first grade. Even though Toby ignored them, I knew it still hurt him inside. "Ticci Toby!" They taunted again.

I rolled my eyes, and grabbed Toby by the arm and marched outside. "Let's just stay out here." I shrugged.

He slightly nodded and leaned on a tree. I took a bite of my apple and looked at the Sky. It was obvious it was going to rain soon. I didn't care, I liked the rain. Toby was silent. "You okay?" I asked and faced him. He nodded. "So, how was Science?" I nervously asked trying to start a conversation. He didn't reply. Sometimes Toby would disregard my questions, or answer me. It gets pretty annoying, but I still love him as my friend.

I shivered because of how cold it was, I hadn't realized how cold it would be. Toby seemed not to mind at all. "I'm sorry about your sister." I sadly said to him. He flinched, it seemed like I broke him from a trance. "It's alright." He shrugged. I looked at the ground, and crossed my arms to keep warm.

"Do you want to walk home?" Toby ask as he tilted his head to the side. "Walk home? That would be skipping school." I shrugged. "So? I've done it before." He reassured me. "No, I can't... I'm sorry." I shook my head. "See you tomorrow." He shrugged and started to walk away. "Toby!" I called to him. Toby turned around slowly. I hesitated, to speak. "Wait for me."


~I hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter! Thanks for reading <3


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