26🌸 Let me explain🌸

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The will to take care of someone and share beautiful but also bad moments, to be alway near him and support him no matter what he was doing, just to let him feel that you are by his side and that he could count on you. So many things that you wanted to tell him and just have more time with him. See him smile and argue with you, just fool around how you both were used to.

"Jungkook?" He chimmed weak and you leaned to kiss him. Your lips met his. Even if that was only a small kiss, yet it seemed like a entire for you both. Like the words around you births froze and only the two of you were there and no one else. Lulling apart one of your tears dropped at his cheeks and you wiped it away. Your head turned to the guys, who stood up and and shook the dirt of their bodies.

"Jungkook, promise me you can do it okay? Promise me you will wait a little of me okay?" A little did the both of you knew, the time for him that was left, was not that much. Still he nood a little and you kissed his forehead before you stood up. The red color take over the previous again and now was it on time to end the things. Right there, right at this moment.

Yoongi and Namjoon atacked you again and again when you managed to get out of their claws. No matter how much it hurted you took everything and more. Hard breathing you stood infront of a wall and watched the both nearing you, like the tried to trap you. Just then when Yoongi was about to attack again, two manly voices sounded through the area. Looking suprised aside, you was shocked to see your father and two of his mans behind him, but also a person that you though had nothing good in his mind."Stop it, right now."

Yelled Hoseok and Andrew in same time. Yoongi and Namjoon turned back to humans and watched confused yet suprised The 4 mans." I'm here so let my daughter go." Added Andrew confident stepping forward." Dad." You whispered under your breath. You didnt knew if the known smell came from Jungkook or a man who was standing at you fathers back. But the smell seemed to be also the same.

"Wow, what a coincidence. Andrew live in person." Namjoon chuckled and crossed his arms before he looked over to you and added." Seems like you took everything for nothing little one."

"Shut up." You spat sharping your eyes at him. Hoseok run up to you and cupped your face in his hands when he observed your bruises in it with worried expression. You pushed his hands away and glared at him." Hands off."

"Y/N, I don't have anything to do with that." Hoseok tried to defend himself. But you ignored him as you pushed him aside and took a step forward. Worried you looked over to Jungkook who was behind Yoongi still on the ground. Sharping your sense at him you smelled his heart that was almsot not beating. But your hearted started to race violently against your chest out of fear." Jungkook." You screamed and didnt cared about anything else when you run up to him and threw yourself on your knees hovering above on him.

"Jungkook." You screamed again and shook him by his shouder but nothing happen, his eyes were still close and his heart beat went went even more down. Biting in your worst so that your blood appeared, you opened his mouth and let your blood drop in there with hope that it would help and he will heal. " please, please, please. I beg you." You whispered through your sobs.

Andrew stood there and watched your did a little confused but also suprised. He didnt knew who this guy were who you tried to heal and safe by giving you your blood. But soon enough his attention were on the both guys that were about to attack him and take their revenge for what he have done. Hoseok rushed in between and spread his arms to stop them and maybe end the whole war that lasted so long. He was tired to feel hate towards Andrew, tired to look for him.

"Wait, let's talk at last." Chimmed Hoseok worried out and made Namjoon and Yoongi scoff before they chuckled bitterly." Talk? Hoseok what is it with you? Are you completely not in your mind?" Asked Yoongi and took a step closer to his friend with anger pulsing in his vines.

Bite me if you dare! [ Jeon Jungkook FF]✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن