Chapter 3

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(R/N) = Regalia's Name
(H/L) = Hair Length
(H/C) = Hair Color
(E/C) = Eye Color


~Yaboku's POV~

As the fight continues, I'm getting more and more tired.. but I can tell (Y/N) is too. "Your a tough one, Yaboku. I've never had this much trouble getting rid of someone in my way!" (Y/N) yelled. "Can't we just leave each other alone? I have my jobs and you have yours, simple as that" I shout back. "It would never work! Your too busy stealing all of the jobs that I should have! I don't get a chance anymore for the people to see me.. because everyone is stealing my jobs!" (Y/N) explained. But, in that moment, she was so focused on talking that I was able to get in and stab her, for the last time. "MASTER!!" (R/N) yelled. "...(R/N).." (Y/N) said, coughing as (R/N) reverted. "..You win this time, Yaboku, but I swear, I'll be back one day, and I'll finish you off, for once and for all.." she said as she passed out. "I'm sure her Regalia is pissed, we should get out of here while we have the chance" Hiiro explained. "Yeah.. your right" I said as we left (Y/N) to die.

There's no way she'll survive after all of those wounds. I barely even know if I'll get out of here with my wounds.

~Yato's POV~

"And that's what happened, please don't tell anyone" I told Bishamon. "Out of everyone that you could tell this to, why me?" Bishamon asked. "Because, your trustworthy, and I'm warning you that if you ever see her, run. She may even be too powerful for you, I barely beat her last time. I doubt I could do it again" I explained. "Well, You were able to beat me, I'm sure you could defeat her, if need be" Bishamon said. "When I almost beat you, you were blighted, so I had an advantage, but I'm serious, keep an eye out" I warned. "Alright, thank you"


Woah! We all knew that Yato had killed a regalia before (more like all of Bishamon's regalia except Kazuma) but now he's even killed a GOD?! You learn something new everyday. Anyways I hope you enjoyed, the next chapter should be interesting.. actually all of these chapters should be. I'm trying to make this my best fanfic yet, and it's based off my favorite anime so it should be awesome!

Gods of Calamity | Yato x Reader | By: JackiesFanficsWhere stories live. Discover now