Chapter 1

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(R/N) = Regalia's Name
(H/L) = Hair Length
(H/C) = Hair Color
(E/C) = Eye Color


~Yaboku's POV~

"Looks like we have another job" Hiiro told me. Another job means more killing, I don't mind killing people, I just wish that at some point, I could have a shrine, like the other gods. "Then let's get moving" I told her as we started to head to our new job.

~???'s POV~

Looks like they accepted the job, perfect. Come! (R/N)! I came out of hiding to greet Yaboku. "So.. you must be the famed Yaboku.. here to kill yet again! You know, it's kind of annoying having people stealing my jobs all of the time!" I said.

~Yaboku's POV~

"She's the god (Y/N), a god of Calamity, like you, but she hates other gods of Calamity and tries to kill them with every chance she has. We should run, her regalia could cut me in half" Hiiro warned me. "Your Regalia is pretty smart to know that much about me, except she forgot to mention one thing, I don't let people run away!" (Y/N) said as she attacked us.

~Yato's POV~

Good, it was just a nightmare. I'd hate it if she came back, it would cause chaos everywhere, she might be able to actually kill me this time. "Yato, are you okay? You look pale" Yukine said sounding worried. "I'm fine Yukine, don't worry about it" I replied. He shouldn't know about my past too much, he'll probably end up hating me and leaving, like everyone else did.

I came downstairs to see Hiyori talking with Kofuku, while Daikoku is cooking breakfast. "Good morning Yatty!" Kofuku said with excitement. "Hey Kofuku, Hiyori" I said tired. "SO YOU SAY HI TO EVERYONE BUT ME! HOW KIND OF YOU!" Daikoku yelled. "Sorry I'm tired" I replied. "Hey, what's up with you? I've never seen you this tired before, your always filled with energy" Hiyori asked. "I'm fine, don't worry about it, I just had a nightmare about my past" I told her. "Oh, I'm sorry to bring it up" Hiyori apologized. "It's fine don't worry, I'll be back to my normal self in a bit, I probably just need some food" I said. "Alright.." Hiyori said.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

"Welcome back, Master" (R/N) said. "That Yaboku.. he'll PAY FOR WHAT HE DID!!" I yelled, filled with anger.


What do you think Yato did? How did you come back? Tell me what you think in the comments! Also tell me if you like that when I switch the the past I say that it's Yaboku's POV instead of Yato, since that's his name from back then. I thought it was easier than writing that it's a flashback. I hope that unlike my other stories this one turns out okay, my other stories keep getting discontinued but I have a plan for this one! So keep an eye out for the next chapter!

Gods of Calamity | Yato x Reader | By: JackiesFanficsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt