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I stood in black and stared towards his grave; I have been for days. Not wanting to leave him even if he was already dead, either Jake or Ryan had to urge me to come back home instead of sitting there in the rain or any kind of shit weather that was happening.....

"Blaire" someone was poking my side 

"Leave me alone" I dare not look up since my face was a mess with all the crying I've been doing

"Blaire" the poking began again

"Jake- Ryan please just go away" I mumbled

"I wanted you to give you this" I saw an object being placed infront of me, two letters

"Dean would've wanted you to have it" Cedric continued

"I'm sorry Blaire" He said again

"I'ts not your fault"  I sniffled and wiped away my tears 

He squated down and kissed my cheek before leaving me.


I had been sitting here for over two hours staring at the letters.

I sighed heavily and opened the first one.

The sight of his hand writing made a smile appear upon my face.

The first letter was addresed as "To My Soulmate"

'Dear soul mate, 

Hi. I know you're out there somewhere. I'm here waiting and searching too. When I do find you, I know it'll be the best day of my life. Knowing that I've found 'the one' . I'll be forever thankful when I find you.

I've been hurt enough to forget what pain feels like, I know that feeling wont go away..... it'll never go away, no matter how happy I might feel.. life always finds a way to screw everything up. I know for a fact that I will experience pain even when I'm with you, but I know that the pain will be worth because at the end of the day; you're mine and I'm yours.

We will fight... a lot. I'm sure of t. We'll shout at each other, call each other things that we will regret but I just want you to know that I'll love you no matter what.

Maybe we haven't met for a reason. I've fallen in love before and truth as it is; love hurts. The pain is unbearable, the tears i've shed because of it, I had not shoulder to cry on. But when I do meet you, if the pain still is unbearable at least I'd have you.

I wish I'd meet you sooner, however I guess our journey or even adventure to meet each other is what makes us unique. We can tell our children and grandchildren how we met and our story afterwards.

I'll never forget the day I feel in love with you.

If you're reading this now, please know that ; I've never felt so afraid of loosing someone so important.

You taught me how to love and you taught me that love does exsist 

I love you, forever and always


Dean Xander Thompson'

The second one; "To Blaire Johnson"

"Dear Beautiful,

So I'm guessing you read the letter yeah? Cheeky I know. But its all true Blaire. I'm writing this one now because I know you're my soul mate and I intend on making you a new letter so I can tell you everything. I'm guessing by now I'm gone since I told Cedric to give it to you if one day you ever find yourself without your other half; and I'm terribly sorry for making you feel that way. But I promise you, this isn't the end baby.

I knew this would happen. Either my parents taking my life away from you, Cedric, Jake, Ryan and everyone else. Its true.... I did kill my sister but not because of whatever shit reason anyone told you; she told me to. She was suffering from cancer and was hurting badly, she wanted the pain to stop and my parents weren't helping either. They paid for the medical things that she needed but was never there when she needed them. I promise you, she asked me to. She kept begging me and she kept saying that the pain was killing her inch by inch and didn't want to feel it any longer. 

On the night she was killed, I told her I loved her and she told me one day I would never let my parents hurt me more than they already have. When she was asleep, I took out the oxygen mask that was meant to keep her alive, I heard her hearbeat fall flat after a few moments; ending her life in my arms.

As for me stealing your things, I had regreted it the day I first took that necklace from you; the one with the pearl? I needed the money to run away and never come back... to London but things never worked out.

So here I am, writing you a letter and explaining every shit thing I've ever done in my life.

Please don't shed anymore tears because of me Blaire, I will never forgive myself. I can't forgive myself. I just hope you can. We will meet again Blaire, i know we will. Please don't loose hope. You're going to grow old with children and grand children and I will be up there; looking down at you and taking care of you.

I love you, more than words can describe.

I'll be counting the days we meet again my angel, starting..... FROM THE STARS ABOVE

Infinite Love,

Dean Xander Thompson"

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