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To: Dean

Message: Hey, you at home yet?


Sent: 6:16


To: Dean

Message: Dean?


Sent: 7:42


To: Dean

Message: Hello?


Sent: 10:07

I was beginning to get worried about Dean, even Cedric isn't answering my texts.

"JAKE!" I called for my brother

"Yeah Blaire?!" I heard his voice coming from the living room

"Hey, have you heard from Dean nor Cedric? They aren't answering my texts and I'm starting to get worried" I told him showing the texts I sent to Cedric but not Dean.

"I haven't heard from them" Jake shrugged

"RYAN!" I called for my other brother

"No I haven't heard from them" Ryan suddenly walked in with a bowl of fruit loops

"It's 10:30 and you're eating cereal? Really?" I looked at Ryan with a 'seriously' face

"I happen to be very hungry" He got on the couch and began munching down this cereal

I stared at my phone a bit longer before Jake spoke;

"I'm sure they're fine Blaire"

Jake and Ryan don't know about Dean's parents; makes me worry about it even more.

"Yeah" I mumbled and went upstairs back to my room.

*Dean's p.o.v*

I woke up the next morning on the kitchen floor with dry blood all over me; the cuts were bandanged when I realized a figure was standing in front of me.

"What time is it?" I tried standing up

"Almost 9" Cedric said looking at me with soft eyes

"Stop looking at me like that" I made my way to the fridge, looking for something to eat

"D-don't do that again" Cedric stuttered

"Do what?"

"Try to pick up a fight with them, they could kill you Dean... remember Gale?" Cedric looked away sort off a thing he does when he is thinking about bad memories.

"It won't happen to Blaire okay? And I feel fine" I walked passing him and went up to my room. Everything was as the way it was; messy bed, clothes on the floor, drawers opened and my laptop on the bed.

I checked my phone and saw a new messages from and quickly replied her texts;


To: Blaire

Message: Morning Angel, yeah I'm at home.... I'm sorry for responding so long.


*Blaire's p.o.v*

I read Dean's text and relief swarned my body; thank goodness he way okay. I'm worried though. I hate having to tell him about my doubt about our relationship but I don't think I can keep it in. I mean it doesn't seem real does it? That he fell for me so quickly?

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