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"We're leaving in a week alright?" I heard Jake confirm about our trip to Hawaii

"You asked your parents permission already right?" Ryan asked Juliet and Skylar 


"Yeah of course, I always go with you guys on holidays" She laughed causing him to chuckle

"Maybe next year we can go to Paris" I winked at Sky

Sky always wanted to go to Paris; the city of love where love never can be ignored. Her and Martin were adorable, they already seemed like a couple. Fuck it why weren't they dating already? Like today, Martin kept looking at her with googly eyes, taht tint of shine in his eyes everytime he looked at her. That was love. I'm not sure Sky knows it just yet.

"Two weeks of the hot sun, beach and the hot surfurs. I for one can not wait" Juliet fantized

I saw Ryan roll his eyes and heard Jake chuckle. From my two brothers, I was closer to Jake; he was always around when I needed him not like Ryan wasn't but I had a better bond with Jake. It makes me feel sad that he doens't have a girlfriend, he wants one but he hasn't had any connection with any girls since his last girlfriend who cheated on him with his team mate. That was a punch in the balls as I may say. As for Ryan, he has his own girl but I don't know who it is and I don't really care to be honest, if he was happy then I was satisfied.


The next morning me, Sky and Juliet decided to go to the mall to buy new clothes for the trip. We wanted to dress to impress and there was nothing wrong with that. We bought new swim wear and sundresses along with sunglasses. Jake and Ryan were around the mall somewhere.

"I wonder if we will get to surf there" I wondered while taking a bite of my hot dog

"Of course we will" Juliet rolled her eyes

"But we can't surf" I stated

"Martin can teach us and I heard Dean can too" Skylar smirked

"I bet you'll love for him to teach you Blaire" Juliet teased

"Why would I?" I make a digusted face

"You totally have the hots for him and I know he does for you too" What a load of bull shit. I did not have the hots for Dean neither did he for me.


Juliet and Sky went home after our trip to the mall so I was left alone in my room doing nothing except listening to music and reading a good book. I wasn't sure what Jake and Ryan were doing but Wes, Will and Dean came over a couple of hours ago. Not sure if they were still down there.I got off my bed, turned the music off and went down to get a glass of water.

"Hey" Will greeted me after I chugged down the drink

"Hey" I smiled shyly at him

Will was looking especially handsome today.

"We haven't really been spending time together lately" He pouted and put his chin on my shoulder

"Really?" I laughed and he chuckled

"Yeah, take a walk with me tomorrow?" He asked full of hope

"Sure" I nodded and he kissed my cheek

I giggled.

Will led the way to the living room with one hand around my waist. The boys were watching football and I didn't really understand what it was about but it was better being with them than alone in the room. The middle of the game someone's cellphone rung; Dean's.

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