Phones came out and we all proceeded to vamp and carry on in Jackie's mirror, taking pictures and videos galore. Several pictures later, we all headed out on the town.

I was the DD, and as per usual, I wanted to be. Luckily, drinking was never my forte. God love her - Jackie does enough of it for the both of us.

Plus my job requires me to refrain from too much alcohol consumption. But does this stop me from having fun?

FUCK no.

If I was going to drive tonight, I was going to take my GMC Denali - which luckily, I only live 15 minutes from Jackie. Hannah took me by, leaving her car at my house, and we came back in my Denali and got Sam and Jackie at her place.

We left for dinner, ending up at a great restaurant we'd all wanted to try for a while. The food was wonderful, along with some starter drinks, we all cheered to each other.

We talked forever, having the time of our lives sharing and laughing. I loved being with my girls, it was much needed.

I hadn't been in West Virginia long, but it felt like home with Jackie and Hannah. When we all befriended Sam over the internet, it felt like the piece that was missing was suddenly filled.

We all brought light into each other's lives and I felt so comfortable letting loose around them. After the hard decision to leave my home state of Oklahoma, it was nice to feel like I belonged somewhere.

"Ruby! Seriously, girl!" Jackie exclaimed as she reached over Sam.

She grabbed my - still - mostly full strawberry daiquiri and began downing it. I gave her a look as we all watched in amazement.

"You know me, I can't finish those things!" I grumbled.

Jackie took one more gulp, licking her lips and slamming the glass on the table.

"I got your back, baby!" She said, the red from the daiquiri staining her lips and tongue.

"Also, we need to go. It's getting late and we need to find a good bar!" Hannah added, smiling wide.

"I can't wait! This night has already been so brilliant!" Sam replied with delight.

We ended up at a little watering hole that Jackie knew about; Duck Tape. We'd been a couple times before but never with a group.

Jackie and Hannah had both told me about the Logan boys. Usually we saw Jimmy there every so often, throwing back a drink or two with his brother Clyde, the bar tender.

Jimmy was pretty in his own right, built like a tank from his high school football days, but too damn short for me... despite his pretty eyes.

Clyde was a sweetheart, from what I gathered. Jackie loved him like a brother, or so it seemed. He and Jimmy looked out for her long before I did, and I felt like I could trust them.

Hannah kept her mouth shut most times about the Logan boys, which always made me curious, since she'd known him from high school.

From what I'd been told, Clyde lost his hand while serving as a US Army Ranger. I had the utmost respect for him after hearing that, coming from a family with military members throughout.

Clyde didn't have the usual hard exterior most service members tend to have, even after what he'd been through. His eyes were always kind, even when he would roll them at Jackie and her antics. He seemed to tolerate a lot of nonsense from her.

Admittedly, I had always been attracted to him. Helped that he was one tall son of a gun. We tall girls need taller trees to climb, if you get what I mean.... heh.

He was a true southern gentleman the first time I drank at the bar with Jackie, and I'll never forget that.

"Let's get our sexy asses in there!" Jackie shouted as she practically tumbled out of my car.

Hannah proceeded to straighten out her outfit as she stepped out, Sam doing the same.

Lock the car. Lock the fucking car. I repeated to myself.

A few years back, someone had broken into and set flame to some big shot's car. Wasn't about to let that happen to mine. Not here, not tonight. No fucking way.

"Howdy, Earl!" I heard an enthusiastic Jackie exclaim at the man sitting outside of the bar.

I shook my head and sighed, "Tonight's going to be interesting...." I mutter to myself.


*** I hope you enjoy my first part to this lovely collaboration between Jackieblu13 (who laid the template for this story), Mamphy27 & Ladywiththelamp2017 and myself! Please read all of the connected stories! It's so much fun!

Please feel free to leave a vote or a comment! More to come! ***

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