Girls Night Out

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It's been one hell of a day so far, and I'm eager to get out of work.

The cases have been stacking up today, and I'm fighting to keep myself in a good mood. Not too much longer.

Jackie should have picked up Sam by now... I think to myself, glancing at the clock on the wall of my office.

I was counting the minutes till I got off early today. A familiar friendly face pops her head in my office door.

"Hey girl.... it's getting close to that time!" Hannah's eyes sparkle with excitement.

I can't help but stifle a squeal and wave my hands with enthusiasm, "I know! YES! Just one more hour...."

Good lord, how time DRAGS when you want to be anywhere but where you are! I clocked out fast and locked my office door - FUCK THIS PLACE - till Monday anyways. Ugh.

Hannah catches up with me as I bolt towards the parking lot. We give each other a look of eagerness and hop in her car.

Thank God I've spent enough nights at Jackie's to leave some party clothes at her place. That wild child is always trying to get my nerdy, pale ass out of the house.

Hannah and I made it to Jackie's and we burst in the door with arms open.

I tackled Jackie with a hug, as per usual, picking her up off the ground. She lets out an "Oof" as my tall frame practically crushes her comparably smaller size.

Hannah and Jackie exchange hugs as we suddenly see Samantha peek her beautiful head out from around the corner with a sweet smile.

"SAM!!!!!" Hannah and I exclaim, reaching out and engulfing her in an embrace.

After one massive, estrogen-fueled hug, we all settle in.

Laughing and smiles gave way to stories and general chit chat. We were all so excited to finally be together after so long; plus, it's Sam's first visit to West Virginia.

"I'm gonna freshen up in the bathroom, Jackie... Did I leave those distressed jeans here? You know, the ones I wore like a week ago?" I shouted as I walked down the hallway.

"Yeah! Look in my closet on the top shelf. God, that night was awesome. I drank soooo much!" Jackie exclaimed as she threw her hands up.

"Sam, you're in for a crazy night. Jackie knows how to party... a little too hard... some nights." Hannah smirked and nudged Jackie, who proceeded to stick out her tongue playfully.

"Says you! You know how to party too, bitch, don't lie!" Jackie shot back.

Sam giggled looking between them.

"Well, I'm so excited to have a girls night! Work has been absolute rubbish. It's so nice to get away." She says as she refills her plate from the fruit and veggie tray on the counter.

I can hear the conversation turn to giggles and I smile to myself as I search the closet.


I turn to see Jackie bursting through to me, Sam and Hannah not far behind. We all began choosing our looks for the night. Gotta be ready for whatever!

We all had a glorious time helping with each other's hair and makeup. The compliments and insults were thrown EVERYWHERE. It was great.

"Girl, look at this British babe over here!" Hannah piped up as she framed Sam, who did a catwalk for us as Jackie and I cheered and whooped.

Sam flirtatiously flung her hair to the side and we all proceeded to laugh. I can't lie though, we all looked super hot.

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